Avio, firmati due nuovi contratti per lanciatori Vega e Vega C
(Teleborsa) - Partenza a razzo per Avio presente all'Air Show di Parigi, dove l'amministratore delegato Giulio Ranzo ha firmato due importanti contratti per Vega e Vega...
Prevalgono le vendite a New York
(Teleborsa) - Chiusura in frazionale ribasso per Wall Street, con il Dow Jones che lascia sul parterre lo 0,29%; sulla stessa linea, si è mosso al ribasso lo S&P-500, che ha perso lo 0,67%,...
Business News: CMA excludes Kenya Shilling in forex online trading as new rules take shape
Move follows the coming into force of guidelines on online trading.
Business: Barclays, former executives charged over qatar fundraising
Barclays Plc and four former executives were charged with conspiracy to commit fraud regarding the bank's 2008 capital raising from Qatar as it sought to avoid a bailout during one of the most turbulent periods in financial history.
Business News: Barclays, former executives charged over qatar fundraising
Barclays Plc and four former executives were charged with conspiracy to commit fraud regarding the bank's 2008 capital raising from Qatar as it sought to avoid a bailout during one of the most turbulent periods in financial history.
Business: CMA excludes Kenya Shilling in forex online trading as new rules take shape
Move follows the coming into force of guidelines on online trading.
World U-18 Championships will be a success, says Wario
Athletics Kenya said they would sponsor four athletes and one official for the event.
Kenya: Paarl Media turned down IEBC's invite to ballots tender
A South African printing firm locked out of the ballot printing tender now claims it declined a second invite from the electoral agency.
Kenya: Miraa traders want to export miraa from Isiolo airport
Miraa traders in Nyambene, Meru County now want their product exported to Somalia from Isiolo International Airport instead of Wilson Airport in Nairobi County.
Câmara aprova produção e comercialização de inibidores de apetite
A Câmara dos Deputados aprovou na tarde desta terça-feira (20/6) projeto de lei que libera a venda de emagrecedores e inibidores de apetite. A proposta, que segue agora para sanção presidencial, susta de imediato os efeitos de uma resolução da Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (Anvisa) de 2011, que proibiu ...