Economía.- Gestha dice que son las ventajas fiscales las que "matizan" el "ánimo caritativo" de los donantes
br /> MADRID, 7 (EUROPA PRESS) Los donantes a fundaciones y ONG pueden ahorrarse hasta un 35% y 40%, respectivamente, en el pago de impuestos, por lo que son estas ventajas fiscales las que "matizan", a juicio de los Técnicos del Ministerio de Hacienda (Gestha), el ...
Economía.- (Ampl.) González (BBVA) cree que la compra de Popular demuestra la robustez del sistema financiero español
br /> MADRID, 7 (EUROPA PRESS) El presidente de BBVA, Francisco González, cree que la compra de Banco Popular por parte del Grupo Santander es "una buena noticia" que "demuestra la robustez" del sistema bancario español, según ha señalado durante su ponencia en la conferencia internacional ...
(Ampl.) González (BBVA) cree que la compra de Popular demuestra la robustez del sistema financiero español
El presidente de BBVA, Francisco González, cree que la compra de Banco Popular por parte del Grupo Santander es "una buena noticia" que "demuestra la robustez" del sistema bancario español, según ha señalado durante su ponencia en la conferencia internacional sobre tecnología y finanzas MoneyConf en Madrid.
Economía/Bolsa.- El Ibex cierra prácticamente plano tras la salida de Popular del selectivo
br /> MADRID, 7 (EUROPA PRESS) El Ibex 35 ha cerrado la sesión de este miércoles prácticamente plano, en los 10.871,7 puntos, en una jornada en la que no ha cotizado Popular, después de que la Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV) suspendiera su negociación ...
USA Panama Malta
TMID Editorial: Lessons learnt from this election
Now that Joseph Muscat has been sworn in for his second term in office while on the other side of the political spectrum Simon Busuttil tendered in his resignation along with the rest of the leadership team, the nation can sit back and take stock of the situation. This includes ...
Panama Malta
TMID Editorial: Unity from disunity
The nation has just passed through what was a decisively and extremely divisive, bad-blooded and bitter electoral campaign. But from the disunion has been created there can perhaps be some unity to be found.We do not expect the opposition to be able to put behind or brush aside all the ...
USA Malta
Updated: Marlene, Godfrey Farrugia walk through counting hall as PL counting agents poke fun
PD Leader Marlene Farrugia, and candidate Godfrey Ferrugia walked through the Naxxar counting hall as PL counting agents sang the Carnival anthem, poking fun at the couple.Keeping their heads held high, they walked over to their respective districts to see how they were doing. Prior to this, the two held ...
Election results do not replace investigation - Green MEP Sven Giegold
MEP Sven Giegold, financial and economic policy spokesperson of the Greens/EFA group, said the result of the Malta election does not do away with the investigations that are needed."Congratulations to the Labour government of Malta for its reelection," Giegold, a member of the PANA committee investigating money laundering, said."But, elections do ...
USA Malta
EU and its member states sign the new european consensus on development
The European Union and its Member States signed today a strategic blueprint, outlining the future of European development policy. This "New European Consensus on Development" represents a new collective vision and plan of action to eradicate poverty and achieve sustainable development. The jointly developed strategy, in the form of a Joint ...
Panama Malta
How candidates fared when compared to the 2013 election
While last Saturday's snap elections have retained many familiar faces in Malta's political scene, some unanticipated movements have occurred, like Deputy PL Leader Chris Cardona just scraping by, and Minister Chris Fearne being elected on two separate districts. District oneIn 2013, former Deputy Prime Minister Louis Grech stole the show by ...