Trial by jury against Nigerian man accused of conspiring to deal drugs begins
A trial by jury has begun this morning against a Nigerian man named Chukwudi Samuel Obyeabor, known as ‘Nokia’, who is charged with conspiring to sell/deal drugs in Malta.The incident dates back to 2007, when Mr Onyeabor is said to have met with another Nigerian man, Mr Ferdinand Onovo at ...
Turchia USA
Turkey's main opposition party files for referendum annulment
Turkey's prime minister on Tuesday called on the opposition to respect the result of a referendum that will give sweeping new powers to the office of the president, but the main opposition party formally requested the vote be annulled.Sunday's vote gave President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's "yes" camp a narrow win ...
USA Malta
Fake statistics and fake news: why ovarian cancer global statistics differ from local ones
Mortality from ovarian cancer in Malta is the third highest in Europe for the year 2012 according to the European Cancer Observatory (ECO) at 10.3 people per a population of 100,000, and the sixth highest worldwide according to the Global Cancer Observatory. One particular source, World Life Expectancy says that ...
Regno Unito Malta
Porsche enthusiast recalls Paqpaqli accident which left wife, daughter severely injured
Lawyer and Porsche enthusiast Michael Grech took to the witness stand this morning to testify in the case filed against the Paqpaqli Ghall-Istrina event organisers and driver Paul Bailey.The members of the Paqpaqli Ghall-Istrina organising committee, including TV presenter Tonio Darmanin as well as British millionaire Paul Bailey, are facing ...
Spagna Panama Malta
PL appeals to Simon Busuttil to stop ‘lying’ about Egrant, publish db Group invoices
Deputy Labour Party leader Chris Cardona and Justice Minister Owen Bonnici appealed to the Nationalist Party to stop “lying” and appealed to PN Leader Simon Busuttil to speak about a story that is not fabricated, which is about the invoices that were fabricated.The PL are referring to allegations that the ...
Turchia USA
Joint statement by lawyers, judges, journalists on ongoing crackdown on rule of law in Turkey
The Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE), the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), and the European Association of Judges (EAJ) firmly condemn the ongoing widespread persecution of lawyers, journalists, judges and prosecutors in Turkey. After the failed coup of 15 July 2016, the Turkish government declared a ...
Le niveau d'exportation de poires est revenu à la normale, mais les cultivateurs ne sont pas tirés d'affaire
La Belgique exporte à nouveau autant de poires qu'avant le boycott russe. Comment se fait-il que les cultivateurs belges perçoivent encore des subsides ?
Los negocios de Ivanka Trump en China plantean un nuevo conflicto de interés
8 minibus du CETUD aux groupements des transporteurs de Thiès
Thiès, 19 avr (APS) - Le Conseil exécutif des transports urbains de Dakar (CETUD) a mis mercredi 8 minibus à la disposition des groupements des transporteurs de Thiès (ouest), des véhicules destinés à renforcer l'offre de transport urbain dans la capitale du rail. Thiès, 19 avr (APS) - Le Conseil ...
Banco de Portugal quer levar gestores do Haitong à escola
"O Haitong considera legítimo que o BdP, no exercício das suas funções de supervisão preventiva, exija a quem opere no mercado, que cumpra as regras em vigor", disse o porta-voz do banco ao Público.