Singapore Finlandia
Business: Tech firms race to spot video violence
Companies from Singapore to Finland are racing to improve artificial intelligence so software can automatically spot and block videos of grisly murders and mayhem before they go viral on social media.
Business News: CBK licenses third fully sharia compliant bank in Kenya
Central Bank of Kenya has issued license to DIB Bank Kenya making it the third fully Sharia compliant bank in Kenya.
Business: CBK licenses third fully sharia compliant bank in Kenya
Central Bank of Kenya has issued license to DIB Bank Kenya making it the third fully Sharia compliant bank in Kenya.
USA Kenya
Business: US trade agency in pact to fund Kenya's power projects
The US Government on Thursday increased the level of funding to Kenya's energy sector following agreements signed with two power producers.
USA Kenya
Business News: US trade agency in pact to fund Kenya's power projects
The US Government on Thursday increased the level of funding to Kenya's energy sector following agreements signed with two power producers.
Business: Crop-eating armyworm marches to Angola
The fall armyworm - which decimates fields as it marches ever forward - has spread to Angola as the caterpillar eats its way through southern Africa, U.N. officials said on Thursday.
Contraception is not a free pass
“Are you on the pill?” or “Did you use a condom?” are the questions that a woman who confesses to having had casual sex is most likely to be asked. If she answers in the affirmative, then the person asking will sigh with relief, as if the presence of contraception ...
Réunion d'échanges sur les nouveaux tarifs de transport de marchandises, samedi
Dakar, 28 avr (APS) - Une réunion d'échanges sur les nouveaux tarifs de transport de marchandises et la réglementation du pesage à l'Essieu se tient samedi à partir de 10h à la Chambre de commerce, d'industrie et d'agriculture de Dakar (CCIAD), annonce un communique reçu à l'APS. - Agenda
Khadim Diop préside les assises citoyennes de Diourbel, samedi
Dakar, 27 avr (APS) – Le ministre de l'Intégration africaine, du NEPAD et de la Promotion de la Bonne gouvernance, Khadim Diop, présidera, samedi à 9h, la cérémonie d'ouverture des assises citoyennes pour le développement de Diourbel, selon un communiqué reçu à l'APS. - Communiqué
Caos no Brasil: Greve geral paralisa grandes cidades
O Brasil é hoje palco de uma grande manifestação contra as reformas do sistema laboral e das pensões, ainda em discussão no Congresso. Resultado: ruas bloqueadas e transportes públicos parados.