Seuils d’éligibilité et modalités d’application des avantages aux différents types d’investissement
C’est le décret exécutif n° 17-101 du 5 mars 2017 qui avec une série de textes de même nature publiés au Journal officiel n° 16 du 08 mars 2017 font office de textes d’application de la loi 16-09 relative à la promotion de l’investissement. Ce que comporte le décret 17-101 ...
Africa: Tanzania's Lessons From China On Reforms in Industrialisation
[Daily News] As a nation we need to change our policies on foreign investment in particular how to work with IFDI enterprises. One best approach is to develop joint venture with IFDI enterprises so the profit will remain in the country.
Why GERD Is Symbol of New Might, National Consensus
[Ethiopian Herald] There was times when Ethiopia wanted to embark upon various development ventures exploiting its abundant natural resources, yet it could not do so due to a variety of reasons. First of all, being a country with modest financial resources, it could not afford to pursue such projects. However, ...
Hay preferencia por Paraguay para el turismo de compras
Nuestro país fue puesto como uno de los destinos más interesantes para el turismo en general y, en especial, para el de compras, por el diario argentino Clarín.
OCDE sinaliza possível desaceleração da economia portuguesa
O Indicador Compósito Avançado da OCDE para Portugal decresceu pelo sexto mês consecutivo.
Buying a second-hand car? No need to queue up at Transport Malta
People buying a second-hand car no longer have to queue up at Transport Malta's offices to finalise their purchase, with transfer of ownership processing moved online. The new system, which will come into effect tomorrow, will allow authorised insurance agencies and brokers to process ownership transfers, doing away with the need ...
Regno Unito
Excellence redefined for the 21st century
Political talk about the need for improved education to promote social mobility is never lacking. Educationists boast how much we are spending on education, on the new schools we are building, on the number of free gadgets we distribute to students, and on the high qualifications of many of the educators ...
Support for Finnish anti-EU party slumps in municipal elections
Finland's jointly ruling eurosceptic Finns party saw its support tumble in municipal elections yesterday, potentially tipping its own leadership race in favour of a hardline anti-immigration candidate. The moderate nationalist Finns party won 8.8 per cent support, slumping from the 17.7 per cent of the vote it won in a 2015 ...
Today's front pages
These are the leading stories in today's local newspapers. The Times of Malta leads with claims that coffins at the Addolorata cemetery have gone missing. Health Ministry officials confirmed that police had looked into the claims, but declined to say what they had found. In a separate story, the paper quotes PD ...
How the Washington blob swallowed Trump
The US foreign policy establishment should be careful what it wishes for