I titoli dei quotidiani di oggi
Corriere della Sera: “Consip, ho chiesto verifiche” [Andrea Orlando] La Repubblica: “’Pronti alla guerra’. Alta tensione Usa-Corea del Nord” La Stampa: “Spunta una legge salva abusi edilizi” Il Messaggero: “Nord Corea, Trump pronto al raid” Il Sole 24 Ore: “Per i finanziamenti alle ...
Bruxelles Central: Deux voies sont dégagées, la gare reste fermée
La gare de Bruxelles Central reste pour l'instant fermée après l'incendie qui a touché samedi matin un train de travaux. Deux voies ont été dégagées, ce qui permet à certains trains d'emprunter la jonction Nord-Midi, indiquent Infrabel et la SNCB
Incendie à Bruxelles-Central: la gare devrait rouvrir dans le courant de l'après-midi
La gare de Bruxelles Central devrait rouvrir dans le courant de l'après-midi, après l'incendie d'un train de travaux samedi matin. La circulation a repris sur trois voies, indique le porte-parole d'Infrabel, Frederic Petit. L'incendie aurait ...
Câmara de Lisboa e incubadora Second Home lançam programa de aceleração para 1000 empreendedores
Trata-se de uma parceria alinhada com a estratégia do município de promoção do empreendedorismo na cidade e de criação de ligações com os principais hubs empreendedores internacionais.
Business: Kenya spent some borrowed money on wages and salaries, says World Bank
The World Bank (WB) has fired a warning shot at the Government for using debt to settle recurrent expenditure.
Business: Mombasa Beach Hotel set for Sh200 million cash injection upgrade
One of Mombasa's oldest tourist facilities, Mombasa Beach Hotel, is set for a Sh200 million refurbishment.
Business: Hey, this is why no butcher wants to buy your goat and sheep meat
Mr Igolo is a sad shoats (goats and sheep) farmer. He had a flock of about 150 shoats on his ten acre farm in Isinya in the outskirts of Nairobi.
Why one-third gender law is crucial to Kenya
The essence of the gender rule is to promote equity and inclusivity.
Business: Why I breed and sell these creepy worms
Urban farmer. University lecturer runs a microsystem where he grows vegetables, keeps rabbits and rears fish at his small Nairobi backyard
Business News: Mombasa Beach Hotel set for Sh200 million cash injection upgrade
One of Mombasa's oldest tourist facilities, Mombasa Beach Hotel, is set for a Sh200 million refurbishment.