Economía/Finanzas.- Bankia renueva su portal de fondos para hacerlo más intuitivo y fomentar la cultura financiera
br /> MADRID, 5 (EUROPA PRESS) Bankia ha renovado el portal de su gestora de fondos para hacerlo más sencillo e intuitivo y ayudar al inversor a conocer en profundidad las características de cada fondo, el nivel de riesgo y otros datos útiles sobre los mismos.
Economía/Empresas.- Enimbos estudia dar entrada a un inversor que apoye su internacionalización con hasta cinco millones
La compañía apoyará su crecimiento futuro en la nueva plataforma Saas Skytuneup MADRID, 5 (EUROPA PRESS)
Los interinos convertidos en indefinidos se acercan a los 2.000 contratos, la mayor cifra de la crisis en un mes de febrero
Business News: Skewed deals between Kenya and power firms spark price shocks
A number of flawed purchase contracts between government and Independent Power Producers (IPPs) has left Kenyans paying billions of shillings for electricity they are not consuming, preventing the cost of power from going down.
Business: Skewed deals between Kenya and power firms spark price shocks
A number of flawed purchase contracts between government and Independent Power Producers (IPPs) has left Kenyans paying billions of shillings for electricity they are not consuming, preventing the cost of power from going down.
Business: IMF gives KRA thumbs up for digital excise stamps system
Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) has received the backing from International Monetary Fund (IMF) for its new system of putting stamps on excisable goods.
Business News: IMF gives KRA thumbs up for digital excise stamps system
Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) has received the backing from International Monetary Fund (IMF) for its new system of putting stamps on excisable goods.
Business News: Private sector slowdown a new challenge for Uhuru Kenyatta
Growth in Kenya's private sector plateaued last month, adding to the challenges for President Uhuru Kenyatta as he seeks re-election in August by touting his strong economic performance.
Business News: Energy regulator approves coal-fired Amu Power plant in Lamu
In a notice in the Kenyan Gazette, the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) approved construction of Kenya's first coal-fired power plant in Lamu.
Business: Private sector slowdown a new challenge for Uhuru Kenyatta
Growth in Kenya's private sector plateaued last month, adding to the challenges for President Uhuru Kenyatta as he seeks re-election in August by touting his strong economic performance.