USA Malta
EU ministers give green light to increased checks on external EU borders
EU Member States will carry out systematic checks against relevant databases on all individual’s at the EU’s external borders, regardless of whether, or not, they are EU nationals, after EU Ministers gave the final green light on new regulations which will amend the Schengen Borders Code today, the Permanent Representation ...
Panama Malta
Editorial: Politics and business - The PN needs to be seen to be transparent
There is no way the Nationalist Party can beat Joseph Muscat’s outfit if it intends to continue being a reactionary party to the red herrings and spin tactics with which the Prime Minister has now become so predictable.Each time the independent media, and a handful of foreign journalists, tighten the ...
PL and PN insist - ‘none of our employees are paid by third parties’
Both the Labour Party and the Nationalist Party insist that none of their employees are paid by third party or private businesses and individuals.The Nationalist Party sent in their answer to questions by The Malta Independent after an earlier report saying they had failed to provide answers was published in ...
USA Malta
Political reform is needed now, Partit Demokratiku insists
Partit Demokratiku today called for amendments in the party financing law which states that it is up to the minister to establish regulations by which the reports are made available to the public. In a statement, Partit Demokratiku said it disagreed that information with regards to donations made to political ...
USA Romania Bulgaria Danimarca Regno Unito Austria Malta Cipro Italia
49 people caught using false documents since start of 2016
49 persons were caught entering Malta with false documents since the start of 2016, with 14 people being caught while Schengen was temporarily closed, the Police have confirmed with The Malta Independent.The numbers show that 28% of people using false documents were caught during a 20-day period when Schengen was ...
USA Iran Yemen
Trump's new travel ban comes without the chaos of first one
When President Donald Trump signed his first travel ban with scant warning and little planning seven days into his presidency, he meant to signal he was a man of action. After the lawsuits, chaos at airports and international criticism, Trump's rewritten travel ban sent a different message: The White House ...
Les pharmaciens sous la menace des faux médicaments et des "intrus" (pharmacien)
Dakar, 7 mars (APS) – La profession pharmaceutique souffre aujourd'hui d'un problème d'employabilité, et surtout, de l'exercice illégal de la vente de médicaments contrefaits et de l'exercice illégal de la pharmacie de façon générale, a révélé mardi le chargé des relations extérieurs de l'Union des jeunes pharmaciens du Sénégal (UJPS), ...
Georgia (Country) Italia
NOTA DI ACCREDITAMENTO - Reminder - Business Forum Italia Georgia (Farnesina, 8 marzo 2017)
Mercoledì 8 marzo 2017, alle ore 10.00, alla Farnesina, si svolgerà il Business Forum Italia-Georgia, organizzato dal Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale (MAECI), dall’Agenzia per la promozione all’estero e l’internazionalizzazione delle imprese italiane (ICE) e...
Serbia Ungheria
Il parlamento ungherese ha approvato la proposta di legge che prevede la detenzione dei richiedenti asilo.
Il parlamento ungherese ha approvato la proposta di legge che prevede la detenzione dei richiedenti asilo. Tutti i richiedenti asilo che entrano in Ungheria o che sono già nel paese saranno arrestati o trasferiti nei campi container. Non potranno spostarsi da una parte all’altra dell’Ungheria o lasciare il paese, mentre le ...
Israele vieta l’ingresso agli stranieri che appoggiano il boicottaggio culturale.
Israele vieta l’ingresso agli stranieri che appoggiano il boicottaggio culturale. Il parlamento israeliano ha approvato una nuova legge con 46 voti favorevoli e 28 contrari. La norma vieta l’entrata sul territorio israeliano a tutte le persone straniere che fanno “appelli pubblici” a favore della campagna di boicottaggio culturale lanciata da ...