Nuova Zelanda
Sleep-deprived Christchurch firefighters get back to business - building a shed
The fire is all but out on this side of the hill, but here they are again, seven blokes around the table.
In Nigeria, Looting Is The Name Of The Game
These days, if my cell phone rings 10 times, you can be sure that seven times, the guy on the other side has a problem waiting for me to solve. I don’t get fooled anymore if he spends some time asking about the wife and the children and work, the ...
Give Customers N375/$ For School Fees, Medicals, CBN Directs Banks
As part of efforts to ease the mounting foreign exchange challenges in the country, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) will soon increase the disbursement of forex to meet demands for payment of school fees for Nigerian students abroad, medical expenses, personal and business travel allowances. LEADERSHIP Weekend gathered yesterday ...
Une trentaine d’hommes d’affaires algériens en mission aux Etats-Unis
Une trentaine de chefs d’entreprises algériens effectuera en mars une tournée de huit jours aux Etats-Unis en vue de développer des relations de partenariat et d'investissement avec la communauté d'affaires américaine, a-t-on appris auprès des organisateurs de cette mission. Le Road show sera organisé du 4 au 11 mars par ...
Huawei parmi les meilleures marques mondiales Le chinois Huawei s’est classé à la 40e place parmi les marques les plus performantes en 2017, selon le classement Global 500 -2017. Une performance mesurée par le forum de recherches Brand Finance qui évalue la performance des grandes marques mondiales et mesure leurs potentiels. ...
Turkish deputy PM slams Germany's espionage claims for imams
No member of Turkey’s Religious Affairs Directorate (Diyanet) and the Turkish Islamic Union for Religious Affairs (DİTİB) is a spy and their duty is not to spy on people, Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmuş said on Feb. 18.
El real prosigue su escalada en un Brasil hundido en la recesión
El mercado brasileño vive un momento de euforia en las últimas semanas, con la Bolsa de Sao Paulo y el real al alza, mientras que la economía brasileña continúa sumergida en su peor recesión en las últimas décadas, aunque con un cierto optimismo en el horizonte.
Vivienda. los seguros de vivienda se encarecieron un 3,1% en enero
Economía.- Alvarez (UGT) afirma que el CETA está pensado "por y para los intereses de las empresas"
br /> MADRID, 18 (EUROPA PRESS) El secretario general de UGT, Pepe Alvarez, cree que el acuerdo de libre comercio entre la Unión Europea y Canadá (CETA, por sus siglas en inglés) está pensado "por y para los intereses de las empresas" y que deja de ...
Toshiba wants to sell off chip business without loss of any jobs
Toshiba Corp. wants to sell its chip business in a deal where the potential buyer will retain all the workers currently employed, sources close to the matter said Friday. The stance is intended to allay concerns both inside and outside the troubled company about the possibility of major job cuts ...