• «La filière est retournée à la case départ»

    L’Algérie produit autour de 60 000 tonnes d’huile d’olive. Sa place dans le marché mondial reflète-t-elle ses potentialités en la matière ? Je pense que le chiffre annoncé de 60 000 tonnes par an est une des aberrations des statistiques agricoles, comme pour les céréales, le lait, les effectifs animaux, etc. ...

  • Bolivia

    «Les largesses populistes réduites avec la baisse des ressources financières»

    A l’ère des difficultés économiques, comment renforcer les échanges inter-africains et drainer les IDE. Quelle option privilégier ? L’enjeu de la participation aux élections a toujours été le principal souci des pouvoirs publics, qui nous ont habitués à multiplier les annonces. Pensez-vous que cela est possible pour la prochaine élection législative avec ...

  • Quid des promesses populistes en temps de crise ?

    Avec la chute des ressources financières du pays, il semble difficile de multiplier les largesses populistes à l’approche des élections législatives du 4 mai prochain. La conjoncture se présente en effet différemment que lors des précédentes échéances, même si les pouvoirs publics tiennent à la même recette pour drainer les ...

  • Turchia

    Turkey’s external assets up in December

    Turkey’s foreign assets rose 2.1 percent year-on-year in December to reach $214.8 billion, the Turkish Central Bank said on Feb. 20.

  • Turchia

    Foreign child workers exploited in sweatshops in Istanbul’s Küçükpazar

    The Küçükpazar neighborhood of Istanbul’s Fatih district has become a center of sweatshops, where children from outside Turkey are forced to work in shocking conditions

  • Brasile

    Brazil’s economy puts damper on Rio carnival

    The Rio carnival is a celebration of joyful excess but deep recession in Brazil means that samba schools are thinking about their budgets as much as their dance moves

  • USA Vietnam

    Southeast Asia Asia stocks eke out small gains

    Most Southeast Asian stock markets edged up in thin trade on Monday, mirroring mild gains in Asian shares, with investors cautious in the absence of firm triggers ahead of a busy week for US Federal Reserve events.

  • USA

    Iraq: Sunni women tell of ISIS detention, torture

    Source: Human Rights Watch Country: IraqAlthough accounts of gender-based violence have emerged from ISIS controlled-areas, these are the first cases against Sunni Arab women in Iraq that HRW has documented. Describe forced marriage, rape (Baghdad) – Fighters from the Islamic State (also known as ISIS) are arbitrarily detaining, ill-treating, torturing, and forcibly marrying ...

  • USA Kenya

    Famine declared in parts of South Sudan

    Source: World Food Programme, UN Children's Fund, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Country: South SudanWar and a collapsing economy have left 100,000 people facing starvation in parts of South Sudan where famine was declared today. Another one million people are classified as being on the brink of famine.UN ...

  • Etiopia

    Reflection on Brexit

    No whining and bitching about Ethiopia today. Instead let’s begin the week with some mundane details. My good friend and fellow the Amharan Yetref Mekonen is of the opinion that I am still single because I want a perfect partner. I say the reason I am still single, is that ...