GOL registró un ingreso de más de 220 millones de dólares en 2016
La compañía líder del mercado obtuvo un margen de 7,1%, y superó los índices del último año.
Mercado Libre ofrece más de 1.500 productos y descuentos de hasta el 50% para la vuelta a clases
Los usuarios pueden beneficiarse además con el servicio de pago online Mercado Pago y abonar en hasta 12 cuotas sin recargo con variedad de tarjetas de crédito.
Chinese Tourists' Taste of Korean Cosmetics Changes Greatly
Chinese tourists' taste of Korean cosmetics is changing dramatically. Among Chinese tourists, the share of group tourists is in decline, while that of individual tourists is increasing. In reflection of this trend, tourists from China are showing more preference toward specialty cosmetics and healthcare items than basic cosmetic sets. Olive ...
USA Corea del Sud
Qualcom Strikes back with Claims of Collusion between Samsung and FTC
Qualcomm, a U.S. semiconductor and telecommunications equipment company that was charged with penalties of 1.3 trillion won from the Korean Fair Trade Commission for the abuse of its patent rights, has begun hitting back. The San Diego-based company filed an appeal against the commission's decision with the Seoul Appeals Court ...
Portugal representa 23,5% das entidades no Centro Internacional de Negócios da Madeira
O mercado português representava já 23,5% do total de entidades licenciadas no Centro Internacional de Negócios da Madeira (CINM) em 2016. Além disso, o mercado nacional registou um crescimento superior a 5%, em relação ao ano anterior. A Sociedade de Desenvolvimento da Madeira (SDM), a empresa concessionária do CINM, considera ...
Angola Mozambico Portogallo
Portugal abranda investimento no Reino Unido, Angola e Moçambique
A incerteza com o futuro do país liderado por Theresa May e a queda do preço do petróleo no mercado lusófono africano tem vindo a preocupar os investidores portugueses.
Polícia investiga quadrilha de roubo de cargas de alto valor em GO e no DF
Policiais estão nas ruas de várias cidades goianas e no Distrito Federal, nesta manhã de quarta-feira (22/2), em uma operação que investiga uma quadrilha especializada no roubo de cargas de alto valor. A ação, intitulada Hicsos, deve cumprir 82 mandados judiciais, em uma força-tarefa integrada pela Polícia Federal (PF), a ...
Report says Korea-US trade mutually beneficial
South Korea continues to profit from its bilateral trade with the United States, but its trade surpluses largely come fr
Corea del Sud
[Newsmaker] Qualcomm wages long, hard legal battle against FTC
(The Investor)Qualcomm has waged a legal war against South Korea’s Fair Trade Commission, filing a lawsuit in Seoul late
IEBC final figures spell tight race for Jubilee, Nasa
It is promising to be a tight race for the presidency as Jubilee and the opposition shared new voters almost equally in the just-ended registration. An analysis of voter numbers released by the IEBC yesterday show Jubilee strongholds lead opposition zones by less than 50,000 new voters. Counties where President ...