Passageira relata que avião fez ponte aérea com "saída inoperante"
Uma passageira da ponte aérea da Latam entre o Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo publicou em seu perfil no LinkedIn uma foto de uma saída de emergência do avião com um papel no qual havia os dizeres "saída inoperante". A coordenadora de marketing Ana Luiza Collares Xavier afirmou que ...
Ghana: South African Investors Storm Ghana for Business
[Business Day] Madam Lulu Xingwana, the South Africa High Commissioner, has called on African business leaders to consider rural areas in their investment options.
USA Uruguay
Positivo il Mercato americano
(Teleborsa) - Il listino USA mostra un timido guadagno in chiusura, con il Dow Jones che ha messo a segno un +0,48%; sulla stessa linea, lo S&P-500 fa un piccolo salto in avanti dello 0,36%,...
Il ministero degli esteri italiano colpito da attacchi informatici nel 2016
Il ministero degli esteri italiano colpito da attacchi informatici nel 2016. La notizia è stata rivelata dal quotidiano britannico The Guardian e confermata da una fonte diplomatica all’agenzia Afp. Gli attacchi non avrebbero riguardato il sistema criptato usato per scambiare le informazioni più sensibili, ma avrebbe preso di mira gli ...
BoI promotes made-in-Nigeria goods
AS part of its effort to boost the creative economy, Nigeria’s developmental bank, Bank of Industry (BoI) has organised a two-day masterclass for fashion designers in Lagos and Abuja on February 8 and February 10 respectively. At the Lagos segment of the event which held at the Oriental Hotel, Lekki, ...
NICON Insurance Signs MoU With Quintessential Group PLC
NICON insurance on Friday in Abuja signed a memorandum of under with the Quintessential Group Plc to provide a welfare insurance cover for the members of the association. Speaking at the event, the Director General of Quintessential Group Mrs. Judith Tanko said the essence of the MoU is to provide ...
Panamá y Colombia acuerdan plan de acción para resolver sus diferencias
El ministro de Comercio de Industrias, Augusto Arosemena calificó la reunión como positiva y fructífera en el camino de buscar una solución diplomática y de diálogo ante las medidas restrictivas impuestas por el gobierno colombiano.
Remise de diplômes aux auditeurs du Programme de management du sport, samedi
Dakar, 10 fév (APS) - Les auditeurs de la 10-e promotion du programme de management du sport co-organisé par l'Université Cheikh Anta Diop et la Fédération internationale de football amateur (UCAD-FIFA/CIES) recevront, samedi à partir de 9h 30, leurs diplômes, a appris l'APS. Dakar, 10 fév (APS) - Les auditeurs ...
Cérémonie de sortie de promotion de l'IPG, samedi
Dakar, 10 fev (APS) – Le Grand Théâtre de Dakar abrite, samedi, la cérémonie de sortie de promotion de l'Institution supérieure de technologie industrielle (IPG), annonce un communiqué reçu à l'APS. Dakar, 10 fev (APS) – Le Grand Théâtre de Dakar abrite, samedi, la cérémonie de sortie de promotion de ...
Turkey, Ukraine lift passport requirement in visits to boost tourism
Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu on Feb. 10 announced that Turkey and Ukraine had reached a deal allowing the citizens of the both countries to travel between each only with ID cards, without passports.