Cina Giappone
With Trump’s win in China, will Trump toilets get flushed?
There’s a Trump toilet, a Trump condom, a Trump pacemaker and even a Trump International Hotel among hundreds of trademarks in China that don’t belong to Donald Trump. But after a decade of grinding battle in China’s courts, the president was expected to get an unlikely win this week: the ...
India Giappone
Japan utility venture to tap into India renewable energy market
A joint venture of a Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc. unit and Chubu Electric Power Co. will tap into the renewable energy business in India on the back of high economic growth and increasing electricity demand. In a deal announced Tuesday, Jera Co. will acquire a 10 percent stake ...
Brasil se torna o terceiro maior mercado da Enel em número de clientes
Em novembro passado, o grupo venceu leilão com a oferta de R$ 2,187 bi por 94,8% do capital social da Celg D, distribuidora de energia de GO
Brasile Portogallo
Aplicativo de celular torna mais ágil combate ao Aedes aegypti
Um sistema disponibilizado em aplicativo de celular torna mais ágil o combate ao mosquito Aedes aegypti, transmissor da dengue, zika e chikungunya, e está disponível, gratuitamente, para todas as prefeituras municipais. O sistema foi desenvolvido em parceria por pesquisadores do Instituto Alberto Luiz Coimbra de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Engenharia ...
Positivo il Mercato americano
(Teleborsa) - Il listino USA mostra un timido guadagno in chiusura, con il Dow Jones che ha messo a segno un +0,45%, proseguendo la serie di quattro rialzi consecutivi, iniziata giovedì scorso;...
Business News: How Nairobi's poor planning has hit pedestrians
Nairobi's transport infrastructure has been designed with least consideration on how majority of its residents move from one part of the city to another.
Business: How Nairobi's poor planning has hit pedestrians
Nairobi's transport infrastructure has been designed with least consideration on how majority of its residents move from one part of the city to another.
Business News: Weak controls leave many Saccos bleeding
Some of Kenya's savings and credit cooperative societies have higher risk of collapse, a new report warns
Business: Weak controls leave many Saccos bleeding
Some of Kenya's savings and credit cooperative societies have higher risk of collapse, a new report warns
Trade expos are an innovation gold mine, but Kenya misses out
We lack policymakers who attend such conferences with the aim of taking things to another leve