Egitto Etiopia
Tnc Meeting Strengthens Partnership, Solidarity
[Ethiopian Herald] The 16th Tripartite National Committee (TNC) meeting held here Tuesday has further strengthened the partnership among Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt while promoting regional cooperation, says Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Meles Alem.
Economía/Finanzas.- BME incorporará a su mercado de renta fija deuda pública europea
El operador adapta su mercado de renta fija a los requisitos de MiFID II MADRID, 25 (EUROPA PRESS)
Indonesia parliament approves 2018 budget
JAKARTA: Indonesia's parliament has approved the government's proposed 2018 budget and its fiscal deficit target of 2.19% of GDP, deputy house speaker Taufik Kurniawan said on Wednesday.
SET up 8.89 points at opening
Thai stocks opened up 0.52% at the start of trade this morning.
Estado do Rio recorre de arresto de contas para pagar servidores da Uerj
A Procuradoria-Geral do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (PGE-RJ) informou nesta terça-feira (24/10) que entrou com um Embargo de Declaração no Tribunal de Justiça do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (TJ-RJ) para recorrer contra a decisão de arrestar R$ 84,7 milhões das contas bancárias do governo fluminense para pagar o ...
Presentazione della rivista giuridica “The Italian Law Journal”
La Farnesina ospita la conferenza di presentazione della rivista giuridica “The Italian Law Journal”. Edita dalle Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane di Napoli, la rivista mira a promuovere la cultura e la tradizione giuridica italiana all’estero, supportando un dibattito critico sul diritto italiano...
Veneto Banca, siglato accordo per la cessione di BIM
(Teleborsa) - Veneto Banca S.p.A. e Trinity Investments Designated Activity Company, società di investimento soggetta al diritto irlandese e gestita da Attestor Capital LLP hanno sottoscritto il...
Export, Abruzzo: accelerazione a doppia cifra (+15%) per i distretti industriali
(Teleborsa) - Segnali positivi e incoraggianti specie per un territorio come l'Abruzzo messo a dura prova da ripetuti e devastanti terremoti. Buone notizie, infatti, nel secondo trimestre 2017...
PENGASSAN rejects plan to tax pension, terminal benefits
Ozioma Ubabukoh The Petroleum and Natural Gas Senior Staff Association of Nigeria has rejected the plan by the federal and state governments to impose tax on pensions, gratuities and terminal benefits of workers in the country. The senior staff trade union vowed to resist the implementation of the plan which ...
Nigeria Regno Unito
NDDC scholarships: Students protest, lament neglect
Samson Folarin Beneficiaries of the Niger Delta Development Commission foreign scholarship have berated the commission for abandoning them after promising to foot their academic bills. The students, who stormed the Nigeria High Commission in London, United Kingdom, with placards, said they had been left in the lurch as both their ...