Enel avvia la costruzione del più grande impianto solare fotovoltaico in Australia
(Teleborsa) - Enel, attraverso una joint venture fra la controllata del Gruppo per le rinnovabili Enel Green Power e il Dutch Infrastructure Fund, ha dato il via alla costruzione dell'impianto solare...
Lavoro, allarme sul numero ancora alto di infortuni e morti
(Teleborsa) - E' ancora allarme per l'elevato numero di infortuni e morti sul lavoro in Italia. Il punto sulla sicurezza nel mercato lavorativo è stato fatto nel corso del weekend a...
Spagna Kenya
Il mondo in breve
La crisi in Catalogna, manifestazioni in Kenya, il Nobel per l’economia: cos’è successo nel mondo. Leggi
«La seule politique industrielle possible serait celle d’un marché local concurrentiel»
Dans les discours, on assigne comme objectif au plan de financement non conventionnel la poursuite du processus du développement de l’économie. Dans ce cas, sur quels secteurs faudrait-il miser pour relancer la croissance ? Dans une démarche rationnelle en matière de politique économique, on définit d’abord les objectifs et on leur ...
Canada Algeria
Quid de la transition énergétique ?
Dans la perspective d’aller, à grandes enjambées, crise oblige, vers la diversification de l’économie nationale et des rentrées d’argent hors or noir, il a été décidé de reprendre le train de la transition énergétique. Sauf que, complètement «déboussolés», nos dirigeants peinent encore à trouver la parade, optant tantôt pour la ...
Fotka s dobytkem, tanec se seniory, hovorová mluva. Lídři často volí na Facebooku laciné strategie
Poslední týdny před volbami do sněmovny bojují lídři kandidátek o každý hlas. Ke chvále sebe samých i hanění soků využívají nejen setkání s občany po celé republice, ale také sociální sítě. Právě na nich se odehrává silná politická kampaň. Server Lidovky.cz detailně prošel všechny příspěvky hlavních lídrů na Facebooku, kde ...
We don't need 'Silbersteins' meddling in our affairs, says Austrian foreign minister
Leading candidate for chancellor Sebastian Kurz's attack on Israeli political consultant Tal Silberstein seen by some in Austria as having anti-Semitic undertones
USA Senegal
Nutrition crisis deepening in conflict-affected areas of Mali
Source: UN Children's Fund Country: MaliA nutrition crisis, exacerbated by continuing violence, instability and displacement in Mali, is threatening the lives and futures of thousands of children, UNICEF warned.BAMAKO, Mali/DAKAR/NEW YORK, 9 October 2017 – A nutrition crisis, exacerbated by continuing violence, instability and displacement in Mali, is threatening the lives ...
Sudan: State Minister for Investment - Revocation of U.S. Sanctions Is Opportunity for Investment Increase
[SNA] Khartoum -The State Minister for Investment, Osama Faisal has described the revocation of the US sanctions imposed on Sudan as an opportunity for the increase of the investments in Sudan and working out smart partnerships with the private sector as well as, realization of big profits due to the ...
Brighter Futures for Prospective Lawyers
[Addis Fortune] DLA Piper, a global law firm that legally represented the government of Ethiopia and the late Prime Minister Meles Zenawi in avoiding sanctions, granted its first-ever scholarships to six Ethiopians.