USA Regno Unito Malta
12-hour wait at Mater Dei emergency department an anomaly, says CEO Ivan Falzon
The Accident and Emergency Department at Mater Dei experienced severely long waiting hours over the weekend, specifically Friday, with a number of patients waiting over eight hours to receive initial assessment with a physician and over twelve hours to be admitted into a ward The Malta Independent can reveal. During ...
USA Georgia (Country)
Attorney says Florida never helped girl who live-streamed suicide
A 14-year-old girl who broadcast her suicide on Facebook never got the help she needed from Florida's foster care system, an attorney said Wednesday, even though she had exhibited dangerous and self-destructive behavior.Nakia Venant had been in and out of foster care for more than seven years, and since April, ...
Nobody in Malta should go hungry - Democratic Party
A civilised society looks after all its members, including the poor and vulnerable, the Democratic Party said in a statement. It is unfortunate that so many people have come to rely on Foodbanks and the news that Foodbanks are running low on food is very worrying: it is a sign ...
Updated: Townsquare developers reply to TMI story
In a reply sent to The Malta Independent by MPS, the communications agency commissioned by the developers of Townsquare, the developers reacted to a story in today’s newspaper and online news portal by saying that the replies forwarded to questions sent by the Malta independent “was NOT that it will start ...
Front Ħarsien ODZ welcomes positive commitments in PN policy
Front Ħarsien ODZ today said that PN's new environmental policy proposes improved environmental governance compared to the current state of affairs, which is characterised by a governance deficit and lack of environmental sensibility. Front Ħarsien ODZ added that it expects all political parties to have clear environmental policies.The PN environment document ...
Piden informes sobre los bonos del Fondo
La Comisión Permanente del Congreso Nacional solicitó ayer informes al Banco Central del Paraguay (BCP) sobre el monto al que asciende la tenencia de bonos del Estado, colocados en el mercado local por parte del Fondo de Garantías de Depósitos. Igualmente, los legisladores desean conocer cuál es el uso que ...
Signature d'une convention entre le CETUD et la BNSP pour la formation en secourisme des acteurs
Dakar, 26 jan (APS) - Le directeur général du Conseil exécutif des transports urbains de Dakar (CETUD), Dr Thierno Birahim Aw, et le commandant de la Brigade nationale des sapeurs-pompiers (BNSP), le général de brigade,Victor Tine, ont signé, mercredi, une convention de partenariat dans le cadre de la professionnalisation du ...
Macky Sall prendra part aux prochaines réunions du NEPAD et de l'UA
Dakar, 25 jan (APS) - Le président Macky Sall va participer à une réunion du Comité d'orientation du Nouveau partenariat pour le développement de l'Afrique (NEPAD) et au sommet des chefs d'Etat et de gouvernement de l'Union africaine (UA), à partir de samedi, à Addis-Abeba, a-t-on appris mercredi auprès du ...
Affaire Ndiaga Diouf : le procureur requiert 10 ans contre Dias, la défense plaide ce jeudi
Dakar, 26 jan (APS) – Le procureur a requis, mercredi, une peine de dix ans d'emprisonnement ferme contre le maire de la commune de Sicap-Mermoz, Barthelemy Dias, le procès se poursuit ce jeudi avec la plaidoirie de la défense. - Actualités
Turkey says waiting to see outcome of Trump's Syria safe zones call
Turkey is waiting to see the outcome of U.S. President Donald Trump's pledge to order safe zones in Syria, and has long advocated such a plan, Turkish foreign ministry spokesman Hüseyin Müftüoğlu said on Jan. 26