• Brasile

    Brazil Sees Opportunities in Trump’s Protectionist Measures

    By Lise Alves, Senior Contributing Reporter SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL – The U.S. President Donald Trump’s pledge to review his country’s trade agreements with other nations has been a cause of concern for many countries around the world. The Brazilian government, however, sees these new measures as new business opportunities for ...

  • Brasile

    Sales in Rio de Janeiro Show Worst Result Since 2003

    By Jay Forte, Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – A report released yesterday (January 26th) by the Study Center of the Club of Retailers Directors of Rio Of January (CDL Rio), showed sales of Rio de Janeiro’s commerce fell 6.6 percent in 2016 compared to the previous year, the ...

  • Bielorussia

    Bielorussia - Al via l’Anno della Cultura Italiana in Bielorussia

    Una mostra congiunta di capolavori del Futurismo e del Suprematismo, un Forum sulla green economy, una mostra fotografico-documentale sui rapporti italo-bielorussi, un concerto celebrativo, rappresentazioni teatrali, cinema, moda, scambi accademici e artistici: sono solo alcune delle iniziative in programma...

  • Russia USA Regno Unito

    Theresa May a Washington da Donald Trump

    Theresa May a Washington da Donald Trump. La premier britannica è stata la prima tra i leader stranieri a incontrare ufficialmente il 45° presidente degli Stati Uniti. Tra i temi discussi, l’ipotesi di un accordo commerciale tra Regno Unito e Stati Uniti, i rapporti con la Russia e un programma ...

  • USA

    Stati Uniti, crescita più lenta e sotto attese nel 4° trimestre

    (Teleborsa) - Rallenta la crescita dell'economia americana nel 4° trimestre dell'anno, risultando anche leggermente inferiore alle attese del mercato, per effetto anche delle incertezze legate...

  • USA

    Europa prevalentemente negativa in attesa del PIL USA

    (Teleborsa) - Giornata negativa per Piazza Affari e le altre principali Borse europee, in attesa della diffusione del PIL USA, per il quale gli addetti ai lavori prevedono un valore di 2,2%. In...

  • Regno Unito

    Uproar as White House misspells UK prime minister’s name

    A typographical error in a White House press office memo had the British media jesting on Friday that President Donald Trump might think he is meeting a glamour model after Prime Minister Theresa May’s name was misspelt. May, will become the first foreign leader to meet Trump as U.S. president. ...

  • Nigeria

    Forex policy critics are unpatriotic – CBN

    The Central Bank of Nigeria hit out at critics of its foreign exchange policy, describing them as “unpatriotic” in a statement released Friday. Nigeria’s government has come under intense criticism for propping up the naira at 305-315 to the dollar and introducing tight capital controls in response to the country’s ...

  • USA

    Man faces jail term for attacking Muslim airline worker

    A US man has been charged with attacking a Muslim airline employee in New York, allegedly unleashing a tirade of abuse, kicking her and threatening that President Donald Trump would “get rid of all of you.” The 57-year-old man from Massachusetts is accused of unleashing an expletive-laden rant against the ...

  • USA

    Trump to meet Putin, Merkel, Hollande

    US President Donald Trump will hold telephone talks Saturday with Russian President Vladimir Putin, French President Francois Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the White House said Friday. Trump is hosting British Prime Minister Theresa May at the White House on Friday to discuss post-Brexit trade ties and inject new ...