Manufacturing exports are half of what was expected
The manufacturing sector has fallen short of expectations. The Ministry of Industry (MoI) reported to parliament that exports of manufactured products only performed half as well as expected over the last six months of the 2016/17 budget year. The nation earned USD 198.5 million in export revenues which is 56.5 ...
High rent, lack of planning cause many to return business licenses
14,000 licenses returned in the past six months Redevelopment work, higher office rental prices, poor marketing, and bankruptcy have caused 14,000 people with business licenses to stop working and return their license to the Addis Ababa Trade Bureau in the past six months. Addis Ketema sub city the location of ...
USA Etiopia
Newly rebranded Trade and Development Bank looks for a stronger presence in Ethiopia
The Trade and Development Bank, the former PTA Bank announced plans to gain a larger presence in Ethiopia and strategies to continue financing public and private projects. The Bank announced that it is also increasing financing for priority sectors such as trade, infrastructure, manufacturing, industry and agribusiness across the 20 ...
Trade fair to introduce innovative packaging and agro-processing technologies
The Agrofood Plastpack Ethiopia trade exhibition will be held February 3 to 5 at the Millennium Hall. The exhibition is expected to host more than two thousand professional visitors and is being organized by Fair trade, a German trade fair specialist along with Ethiopian partners. The exhibition aims to increase ...
Nkoana-Mashabane 'Puts Her Foot in It Again' At AU
[News24Wire] International Relations Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane has committed another international faux pas at the ongoing African Union summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. This time she jumped the gun on the election of a new director general for the World Health Organisation, publicly congratulating former Ethiopian foreign minister Tedros Adhanom on ...
Un arrêté ministériel impose une assurance au transport hippomobile
Dakar, 30 jan (APS) - Un nouvel arrêté ministériel relatif au transport hippomobile impose désormais une "assurance pas très chère" aux véhicules à traction animale pour surmonter l'inscription "à perte et profit" des dommages causés aux autres usagers de la route assurés et s'acquittant d'autres taxes, a appris l'APS. - Société
Economía/Motor.- La CNMC abre expediente contra cinco empresas por posible cártel en el mercado de baterías usadas
br /> MADRID, 30 (EUROPA PRESS) La Comisión Nacional de Mercados y Competencia (CNMC) ha abierto un expediente contra cinco empresas por un posible cártel en el mercado de las baterías usadas, según ha informado el organismo regulador en un comunicado.
Spagna Nigeria
Economía.- Goirigolzarri cree que la nueva ley hipotecaria aportará seguridad jurídica al sistema
br /> MADRID, 30 (EUROPA PRESS) El presidente de Bankia, José Ignacio Goirigolzarri, ha afirmado este lunes que la nueva ley hipotecaria será "algo bueno" porque aportará seguridad jurídica, pero ha reclamado no olvidar los aspectos positivos del actual sistema hipotecario, que ha permitido que un ...
Goirigolzarri cree que la nueva ley hipotecaria aportará seguridad jurídica al sistema
El presidente de Bankia, José Ignacio Goirigolzarri, ha afirmado este lunes que la nueva ley hipotecaria será "algo bueno" porque aportará seguridad jurídica, pero ha reclamado no olvidar los aspectos positivos del actual sistema hipotecario, que ha permitido que un 80% de la población española tenga una vivienda en propiedad.
Competencia investiga un cártel en el mercado de baterías usadas