Regno Unito
Brexit: Boris Johnson Warns Against ‘Punishment Beatings’
Boris Johnson has warned EU leaders not to give the UK “punishment beatings” for Brexit “in the manner of some World War Two movie”. The foreign secretary said penalising “escape” was “not in the interests of our friends and our partners”. PM Theresa May set out her Brexit strategy, including ...
PTAD To Commence Verification For Nigerians In Diaspora
The Pension Transitional Arrangement Directorate (PTAD) will soon commence pension verification exercise for Nigerians in the Diaspora. Executive Secretary, PTAD, Mrs Sharon Ikeazor, who gave the hint when she visited the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Foreign Affairs and Diaspora, Hon. Abike Dabiri-Erewa, in Abuja, said, she was ...
Two Retirees Create Marijuana Packaging Business in Colorado
A retired schoolteacher and a former marketing executive built a company in Colorado that sells child-resistant containers to cannabis dispensaries.
Riaperto il porto di Abidjan, in Costa d’Avorio.
Riaperto il porto di Abidjan, in Costa d’Avorio. Le guardie di sicurezza dello scalo marittimo ivoriano, uno dei più importanti dell’Africa occidentale, per alcune ore hanno bloccato tutte le vie d’accesso al porto di Abidjan. Nelle prime ore della sera il porto è stato sbloccato, anche se la contesa in atto ...
Cambi, il dollaro è sempre più "mini" con Trump favorevole al Made in USA
(Teleborsa) - Il dollaro continua a deprezzarsi sul mercato valutario, a dispetto della politica restrittiva della Fed, che aveva fatto salire il valore del biglietto verde per mesi. Il motivo? Le...
Ministro del MEF: Panama Papers ha dañado la reputación de Panamá
El ministro de Economía y Finanzas, Dulcidio De La Guardia participa como parte de la delegación oficial de Panamá en la reunión anual 2017 del Foro Económico Mundial, que se celebra en Davos, Suiza.
Dubai anuncia planta solar más grande del mundo; medirá 18 km2 y tendrá 3 millones de paneles solares
Bancos y consultoras creen que la economía argentina crecerá cerca del 3% este año y el próximo
Working group on Cyprus starts duty in Switzerland
A working group seeking a solution to the Cyprus conflict under the auspices of the United Nations and with the participation of the three guarantor powers has started its duty in Mont Pelerin in Switzerland on Jan. 18.
Turkey’s real estate sector to see $1 bln in new revenue in 2017 on citizenship deal: Official
Turkey’s real estate sector is expected to see more than $1 billion in additional revenue in 2017 after a move to give citizenship to some foreigners who buy and hold Turkish property, a senior economy official told Reuters