• Spagna

    Economía/Finanzas.- García Paramés abrirá su propia gestora de fondos

    MADRID, 26 (EUROPA PRESS) El gestor de fondos Francisco García Paramés ha decidido emprender a partir de este lunes su propio proyecto profesional y ha iniciado los trámites para crear en "breve plazo" una gestora tras cumplir el periodo de no competencia establecido en su anterior contrato en ...

  • Francia

    Des Ex-PDG témoignent

    Le manager reste exposé à plus d’un risque ! Deux hommes au parcours atypique qui étaient à la tête de deux entreprises publiques, parmi les plus grandes et stratégiques du pays. En prenant des risques de gestion, ils ignoraient que cela allait leur coûter cher, très cher : le premier ...

  • USA

    Lamamra inaugurated new headquarters of consulate general of Algeria in New York

    NEW YORK (U.S.A)- Minister of State, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and International Cooperation Ramtane Lamamra officially inaugurated, Thursday, the new headquarters of the consulate general of Algeria in New York said this diplomatic representative in a communiqué. The inauguration ceremony took place in the presence of the minister of Maghreb…

  • USA Argentina

    Algeria, Argentina willing to strengthen cooperation

    NEW YORK- Minister of State, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Ramtane Lamamra held discussions, Saturday in New York, with his Argentinian counterpart Susana Malcorra, on the sidelines of the general debate of the 71st United Nations General Assembly. During the discussions, the two ministers hailed the quality ...

  • Oman USA Ghana

    Lamamra holds talks in New York with Omani, Ghanaian counterparts

    ALGIERS-Minister of State, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation held talks in New York with counterparts from the Sultanate of Oman Youssef al-Alawi and Ghana Hana Tetteh, announced Sunday the ministry in a statement. Lamamra's meetings took place on the sidelines of the general debate of the 71st ...

  • Etiopia

    Petroleum companies request profit margin review, again

    Ethiopia’s four major petroleum supplying companies requested a revision of the profit margin on petroleum and petroleum products they distribute. National Oil Company Plc (NOC), Libya Oil Ethiopia, Total Ethiopia SC and YBP Petroleum, requested a fuel price margin increase along with lubricant prices to the Minister of Trade, attaching ...

  • Etiopia

    Steel Confusion

    Steel Confusion By Muluken Yewondwossen Small scale nail manufacturers have filed a letter with Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn and six ministry offices asking them to intervene on their behalf, because they say some individuals are using their name to lobby the government to lift the duty imposed on wire rod ...

  • USA Etiopia

    Ethiopians were honored by US Doctors for Africa (USDFA)

    Former President of Ethiopia Girma Wolde Giorgis and three other Ethiopians were honored by the US Doctors for Africa (USDFA) in an event held at Getfam Hotel on Thursday September 22. Esayas Hadera, Marketing and Sales Manager of BGI Ethiopia, Seblewongel Degefa, Director of Sales and Marketing of Ethiopian Airlines, ...

  • Argentina Paraguay Uruguay

    Paraguay produjo el mejor trigo de Sudamérica en la última campaña

    Los problemas climáticos en Argentina y Uruguay, que perjudicaron la calidad del trigo, beneficiaron al Paraguay, que produjo el cereal de mayor calidad de la región y aumentó con ello sus envíos a Brasil, según explicó Sonia Tomassone, asesora de comercio exterior de la Cámara Paraguaya de Exportadores y ...

  • Singapore

    Rolling Stone Brings In a Singapore-Based Investor

    The magazine’s parent, Wenner Media, will form a partnership with BandLab Technologies to expand into new markets and bolster its international brand.