• Italia

    Le borse europee virano in negativo. Milano azzera i guadagni

    (Teleborsa) - Peggiorano le principali borse europee, ora in territorio negativo, con Piazza Affari che riesce per il momento a schivare le vendite, nonostante l'avvio di seduta facesse sperare...

  • USA Svizzera

    Syngenta-ChemChina, le autorità USA dicono sì al matrimonio

    (Teleborsa) - Il matrimonio tra la svizzera Syngenta e il colosso cinese ChemChina s'ha da fare. Il Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) ha dato il via libera al progetto...

  • Nigeria

    Agency to sanction environmental law defaulters in Kebbi

    The Kebbi Urban Development Authority (KUDA) has vowed to sanction defaulters of environmental laws in the state. The General Manager of the authority, Alhaji Malami Muhammad, told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Birnin Kebbi on Monday that the authority would no longer condone unhygienic attitude of residents. He ...

  • USA

    Brent slides under $50 as supply glut woes resurface

    World oil prices slid Monday on resurfacing supply glut concerns, slamming the brakes on last week’s rally. By 1200 GMT, Brent North Sea crude for delivery in October had slumped $1.45 compared with Friday’s close to trade at $49.43 a barrel. US benchmark West Texas Intermediate for September delivery shed ...

  • Nigeria

    Son Of Chief Judge Drowns In Abuja Pool

    There was open display of anger by prominent indigenes and politicians from Bayelsa State following the reported death of the son of the State Chief Judge,Justice Kate Abiri by drowning in a suspicious circumstances in Abuja. Late Wariebi Abiri, who graduate of law and a student of the Nigerian Law ...

  • Senegal

    Le privé mise sur l’exportation vers l’Afrique

    Avec plus de 77 000 inscrits au registre du commerce (toutes activités confondues), dont plus de 12 000 petites et moyennes entreprises (PME), la wilaya de Sétif dispose d’incommensurables atouts, la situant comme un pôle économique et industriel régional de premier rang. Paradoxalement, la difficile conjoncture économique que traverse actuellement ...

  • Senegal Kenya Algeria

    «L’administration centrale n’arrête pas de nous contrarier»

    Patron d’un grand groupe spécialisé dans la céramique et les produits rouges, Amar Seklouli, qui est à la fois président de la Chambre de commerce et d’industrie (CCI) El Hidab et représentant du Forum des chefs d’entreprise (FCE), évoque dans cet entretien les entraves auxquelles font face les investisseurs locaux. ...

  • Giappone

    Dollar firms to around ¥100.80 on U.S. rate hike hopes

    The dollar gained ground moderately to around ¥100.80 in Tokyo trading Monday, thanks to rekindled expectations for an early U.S. rate hike and further monetary easing by the Bank of Japan. At 5 p.m., the dollar stood at ¥100.77-77, up from ¥100.14-14 at the same time Friday. The euro was ...

  • Giappone

    Nikkei pads gains as yen weakens

    Stocks extended their gains Monday, supported by the yen’s easing against the dollar and other major currencies. The Nikkei average rose 52.37 points, or 0.32 percent, to end at 16,598.19 on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. On Friday, it climbed 59.81 points. The Topix index grew 8.01 points, or 0.62 percent, ...

  • Giappone

    Japanese AI hedge fund paves way for evolution of trading

    Yoshinori Nomura felt like weeping. It was the morning of June 24, Brexit day, and markets were moving against him. Well, not against him, exactly. It was the hedge fund manager’s self-learning computer program that had placed the bet, selling Japanese stock-index futures before a sizable market advance. Nomura had ...