Affaire Karim Wade : El Hadj Kassé exhorte à faire confiance au chef de l'Etat
Dakar, 21 juin (APS) – El Hadj Hamidou Kassé, ministre-conseiller en communication à la présidence de la République, exhorte à faire confiance au chef de l'Etat et à se soumettre à son initiative sur un éventuel élargissement de l'ancien ministre d'Etat Karim Wade. Dakar, 21 juin (APS) - El Hadj ...
What a ban on online porn can teach us about Internet law
Business in Brief: Children’s savings program signed into law
Impax to buy portfolio of generic drugs from Teva, Allergan; Opko shares climb after FDA approves kidney-disease treatment; Tel Aviv shares turn lower at end of session.
SET up 2.38 points at opening
Thai stocks opened up 0.17% at the start of trade this morning.
Regno Unito
London's historic gem trading centre loses shine
LONDON: When thieves made off with millions of pounds of jewels from an underground vault in Hatton Garden last year, it shone an unwelcome spotlight on the historic centre of London's jewellery trade just as it fights for survival.
Indonesia Singapore Vietnam Filippine
Ensogo shutters all Asean units as industry transitions
Ensogo, the daily deal and flash sales website, has announced it is shutting down all business units in Southeast Asia to reduce its cash burn and focus its efforts on new investment opportunities.
USA Bolivia Cuba
Drought expected to increase in the Caribbean
Source: Food and Agriculture Organization Country: Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Belize, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, WorldClimate change is expected to increase the intensity and frequency of droughts in the Caribbean. As a ...
Investimento direto estrangeiro em Portugal caiu para os 6.031 milhões dólares em 2015
Num relatório hoje divulgado, a ONU diz que Portugal registou no ano passado um investimento direto estrangeiro de 6.031 milhões de dólares, quando em 2014 esse investimento tinha sido de 7.614 milhões de dólares
Rendere più umane le carceri brasiliane
BRASILE Brasilia 22/06/2016. Il Brasile cerca di "umanizzare" il proprio sistema carcerario, afflitto da sovraffollamento, violenza, mancanza di controllo istituzionale, con situazioni di estrema crudeltà per i detenuti. Leggi tutto...
Cina Corea del Sud
Pyongyang dipende sempre più da Pechino
COREA DEL SUD - Seul 22/06/2016. La dipendenza economica della Corea del Nord dalla Cina è aumentata nel 2015. Leggi tutto...