• Colombia USA Cuba

    Colombia, FARC rebels sign historic ceasefire

    Source: Agence France-Presse Country: ColombiaThe ceasefire and disarmament agreement comprise one of the last steps toward ending a half-century conflict that has killed hundreds of thousands of people.Havana, Cuba | AFP | Thursday 6/24/2016 - 01:17 GMT by Alexander Grosbois in Havana with Alina Dieste in Bogota The Colombian government and FARC ...

  • USA

    ‘Medieval’ sieges, barrel bombs are ‘disgusting reality’ in Syria – senior UN officials

    Source: UN News Service Country: Syrian Arab Republic“Organizing the delivery of aid must remain the responsibility of the UN and its partners based on need, and not subject to political or other considerations,” the UN humanitarian chief stressed.23 June 2016 – The recent “stuttering momentum” in delivering humanitarian aid to Syria’s ...

  • USA Nigeria

    North East Nigeria: Report on the second round of vulnerability screening issued

    Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees Country: NigeriaThe report analyses data from 50,706 vulnerable displaced households comprised of 327,379 individuals, to give a comprehensive assessment of the protection environment. INTRODUCTION Nigeria continues to face a severe protection crisis, with Boko Haram insurgency and counter-insurgency measures in the North East resulting in chronic ...

  • Mongolia USA

    The Government officially declares the 2016 Dzud over

    Source: UN Resident Coordinator for Mongolia Country: MongoliaMongolia is entering the summer season. With improved weather conditions, focus is now transitioning to medium and longer-term priorities such as improved livestock management. Highlights Since January, 1.1 million of the total 56 million national livestock have perished, affecting 41 per cent of the population who ...

  • USA Regno Unito

    Le foto del giorno

    Dal referendum nel Regno Unito per decidere se restare in Europa alla protesta dei deputati democratici a Washington che chiedono ai repubblicani di votare per una legge che limita l’accesso alle armi: ventiquattr’ore in immagini. Leggi

  • USA

    I democratici statunitensi interrompono il sit-in per la legge sul controllo delle armi

    I democratici statunitensi interrompono il sit-in per la legge sul controllo delle armi. Decine di deputati del Partito democratico statunitense hanno occupato per più di 24 ore la camera dei rappresentanti per costringere i colleghi repubblicani a votare una legge che limita l’accesso alle armi per chi è sulla lista ...

  • Francia

    Sessantamila persone hanno partecipato alla manifestazione contro la riforma del lavoro a Parigi.

    Sessantamila persone hanno partecipato alla manifestazione contro la riforma del lavoro a Parigi. Il corteo, che un primo tempo era stato vietato e poi autorizzato, è partito alle 14 da piazza della Bastiglia e si è svolto su un percorso molto breve di circa 1,5 chilometri. La manifestazione è stata ...

  • Uruguay

    MaS Soluciones elegida partner del año por Microsoft

    Microsoft anunció a los ganadores y finalistas de los premios Partner of the Year 2016. En el caso de Uruguay, MaS Soluciones fue elegida como el socio del año.

  • Ghana

    Ghana gets GHS811m from 5-yr bond at 24.5% yield

    Government has accepted 811.04 million cedis ($208 million) worth of bids for a five-year domestic bond and will pay a yield of 24.5 percent, slightly lower than the yield at the previous issue, the Bank of Ghana has announced. According to the central bank, total bids tendered at the sale, ...

  • Ghana

    Aviation industry is safe despite encroachment of airport lands – GCAA

    The Ghana Civil Aviation Authority, GCAA, has allayed fears that the encroachment of airport lands will have dire consequences on the country’s aviation industry. The Authority has rather blamed the takeover of parts of its lands on challenges with title deeds. According to the GCAA, the situation has also resulted ...