• Brasile

    Acuerdo automotriz con Brasil: marcha atrás por el flex

    El acuerdo vence a fin de mes. Establece que Argentina puede importar hasta u$s 1,5 de Brasil por cada dólar que exporta. Los brasileños quieren acercarlo a 2 y el gobierno argentino mantener el status quo.

  • Russia USA

    US-Russia tension rises in Black Sea and Mediterranean

    The Russian Foreign Ministry warned on June 10 that the country would “respond” to the arrival of the U.S. Navy’s missile guided destroyer USS Porter to the Black Sea “with measures,” but did not give details

  • Turchia

    Despite problems, amazing experience in Turkish nature calls

    Despite the fall in the number of foreign tourists in Turkey this year, there are still people who are trying to create an authentic experience in nature combining the sea, nature and food

  • Russia

    Russia confront in Black Sea over warship

    Moscow will respond to a U.S. naval ship’s entry into the Black Sea with unspecified measures, Russia’s Foreign Ministry has said, adding that it and other deployments were designed to ratchet up tensions ahead of a NATO summit, RIA news agency reported

  • Turchia

    Turkish economy grows 4.8 percent in first quarter

    Turkey’s economy grew a larger-than-expected 4.8 percent in the first quarter of 2016, official data showed on June 10, outperforming major emerging markets peers, as wage hikes and spending by Syrian migrants fueled private consumption, according to analysts

  • USA Etiopia

    Over 2.4 million displaced since fighting broke out in Juba in December 2013

    Source: UN Children's Fund Country: Ethiopia, South SudanA failing economy and high inflation combined with disrupted harvests and livelihoods have a negative impact on food security, resulting in the displacement of thousands to neighbouring countries. Highlights • UNICEF and partners admitted 75,592 children for severe acute malnutrition (SAM) treatment from January to April ...

  • Kenya

    Somalia: 30,000 people in need of food and safe drinking water after flooding

    Source: International Committee of the Red Cross Country: SomaliaFloods in Beletweyne further displace people in a region already hosting 31,000 displaced, the majority of whom fled conflict in the neighboring districts of Jalalqsi and Bulle Burte.Nairobi (ICRC) - Flooding in Beletweyne, Somalia has displaced tens of thousands of people who are ...

  • Francia

    La Francia protesta anche per la riforma dell’ortografia

    Grandi preoccupazioni in Francia. Non per le manifestazioni contro la loi travail, la legge sul lavoro, e nemmeno per le proteste contro un rinnovato tentativo di tagliare i finanziamenti alle università. A quanto pare, stando ai giornali, le grandi preoccupazioni si sono manifestate, ancora una volta, per lo stato e ...

  • Svizzera

    Le lavoratrici sfidano i grandi marchi della moda a Ginevra

    C’è voluta una tragedia come il Rana Plaza per arrivare alla conferenza che si conclude oggi a Ginevra. Il Rana Plaza è l’edificio di otto piani crollato il 24 aprile del 2013 alla periferia di Dakha, in Bangladesh. Era sede di numerose aziende di abbigliamento e nel crollo ha ucciso ...

  • Etiopia

    MSEs the Ethiopian Way

    [Ethiopian Herald] The World Bank approved a loan of 200 million USD to support the growth and development of Small and Micro Enterprises (SMEs) in Ethiopia just over a week ago. The Bank's press release indicates that its recent study on SMEs finance in Ethiopia finds that financing constraints of ...