• Brasile

    Justiça extingue processo contra Eike Batista por prejuízos a acionistas da OGX

    A Justiça do Rio decidiu extinguir o processo contra o empresário Eike Batista por prejuízos causados aos acionistas da petroleira OGX, atual OGPar. Na decisão, o juiz Fernando César Ferreira Viana, da 7ª Vara Empresarial do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, considerou a inexistência de interesse ...

  • Brasile

    Temer determina que Caixa suspenda patrocínio a evento que apoia Dilma

    Banco estatal daria recursos para encontro de blogueiros em Belo Horizonte

  • Germania

    Germania, il PIL tocca i +0,7%

    (Teleborsa) - Migliora a sorpresa il Prodotto Interno Lordo nel primo trimestre in Germania, riportando un risultato pari a +0,7%, in salita rispetto ai +0,3 precedenti, e al di sopra dei +0,6%...

  • Panama

    Les transformations successives de Panamá

    / Panamá, Finance, Spéculation, Urbanisme, Ville - Amérique du Sud / Panamá, Finance, Spéculation, Urbanisme, Ville - Amérique du Sud

  • Francia

    Plusieurs milliers de manifestants à Paris contre la « loi travail »

    La manifestation parisienne contre le projet de loi travail a rassemblé 13 000 à 14 000 personnes selon la police, et 100 000 selon les syndicats.

  • Francia

    Loi travail : portraits de manifestants

    Rencontre avec des opposants au projet de loi de réforme du code du travail qui manifestaient, jeudi, à Paris.

  • Cina

    Safe or sorry?

    Fast growth is, in one respect, just what China’s insurance industry needs. The population will get much older in the coming decades, but the public pension scheme is still in its infancy. By supplementing public coverage with private policies, the government hopes that people may just manage to escape penury ...

  • Brasile India

    The leeward side of fortune

    Life in Vanuatu is not all fruity cocktails THE phrase “Pacific island” conjures images of white-sand beaches, turquoise seas and cocktails served in halved coconuts. Alas, the reality is not quite so blissful. Most of the countries of the Pacific are poor and poorly run. Their tiny size and remoteness are ...

  • USA

    Into the unknown

    IN A month’s time, on June 23rd, Britain will vote on whether to leave the European Union. For many voters, polling day will be a blessed relief after a campaign that will have dominated the news for four months. Mind you, if they vote to leave, they will suffer many ...

  • USA

    Murder most foul

    IN JUNE America’s economic expansion will be seven years old. That is practically geriatric: only three previous ones lasted longer. The record boom of the 1990s survived only ten years. It is tempting to look at that ten-year mark as something like the maximum lifespan of an expansion in America, and ...