El Salvador
Pandillas admiten por primera vez que negociaron tregua con el Ejecutivo
Las tres principales pandillas de El Salvador vuelven a acusar al gobierno de permitir violaciones de derechos humanos y advierten a soldados y a policías que serán ellos "y no sus jefes o ministros" quienes pagarán por ello. Como ejemplo, los pandilleros mencionan las 21 capturas realizadas contra los operadores ...
Messico Bolivia Guatemala Uruguay El Salvador
Poeta Javier Zamora: “A la poesía estadounidense se le ha olvidado sufrir por otros países”
Javier Zamora es un poeta salvadoreño que reside sin papeles desde hace 17 años en los Estados Unidos y ha sido catalogado como una de las voces jóvenes más importantes del momento por The Poetry Foundation y Best New Poets. Nació en 1990 en San Luis Herradura, un municipio costero ...
El Salvador
El Salvador: un poema de Javier Zamora
Las noticias: bolsas negras todos los días.Noticias: más y más se van. Necesito ver a mis abuelos, necesito esos mesesmis papás dormían en el mismo cuarto: Mamá dormida conmigo en sus brazosa salvo en su cuarto de bajareque, a salvo de balas atascadas en palos. Quiero treparmea comer jocotes durante un chaparrón, trepar esa ...
Economía.- CaixaBank cierra la venta a Criteria de sus participaciones en Inbursa y The Bank of East Asia
MADRID, 3 (EUROPA PRESS) CaixaBank ha cerrado la venta a Criteria de su participación del 17,3% de The Bank of East Asia (BEA) y del 9,01% de Grupo Financiero Inbursa (GFI), según ha informado este martes la entidad a la Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV).
Japan’s job availability best in 24 years in April
The nation’s labor market remained tight in April as job availability rose to the highest level in over 24 years and the unemployment rate remained flat at 3.2 percent, government data showed Tuesday. The ratio of job offers to applicants rose to 1.34 in April, the highest since November 1991, ...
Japan’s economy improved in April, but deflation persists
Factory output fell 3.5 percent in April from the same month a year earlier, while consumer spending also edged lower, though both improved from the month before, the government said Tuesday. Earlier, the government reported that the consumer price index fell 0.3 percent in April for the second straight month ...
Kameda Seika taps ex-Canadian ambassador as outside board member
Kameda Seika Co. will appoint the former Canadian ambassador to Japan as an outside board member upon approval at a general shareholders meeting on June 17, the company said Monday. The rice cracker maker said that although he has never engaged in corporate management, Mackenzie Donald Clugston has a thorough ...
Germany readying law on nuclear waste storage costs
The German Cabinet plans to approve a draft law on Aug. 3 that will require its utilities to pay billions of euros into a state fund to help cover the cost of nuclear storage, according to an Economy Ministry timetable seen by Reuters on Monday. A commission recommended in April ...
Egitto Etiopia
FM Orders Direct Contact With Ethiopian Govt Official to Verify His Remarks On Dam
[Egypt Online] Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry has assigned the Egyptian Embassy in Addis Ababa to make direct contact with the Ethiopian Minister of Government for Communication Affairs to verify his remarks concerning the construction of the renaissance dam and remind him of Ethiopia's commitment in this regard according to the ...
Egitto Etiopia
Statement By the Foreign Ministry on Renaissance Dam
[Egypt Online] The Foreign Ministry Spokesperson stated that immediately after reviewing the statements attributed to the Head of the Government Communication Affairs Office at the Ethiopian Council of Ministers about the Renaissance Dam, underlying the indifference of Ethiopia towards the harm that could be caused to Egypt as a result ...