Power deficit may double to 5.6% by fiscal 2021-22: Study
India may require 7% annual growth in electricity supply to sustain annual GDP growth of around 8-9%
USA Pakistan
High-yielding cow from Punjab loses market due to trade curbs
Cattle protection laws in the state curb movement of cows to other states where slaughter is permitted
India USA
USIBC says US firms keen to invest in India, credits improvement in ease of doing business
According to an estimate, US companies have invested $27 billion in India after the NDA government came to power, said USIBC's president
Trade restrictions hit market of Punjab's high yield cow
Holstein Friesian's sales take a hit as buyers are dissuaded by the tedious paper work and permissions from state authorities
L'Italia cresce a passo da lumaca. Consumi meglio dell'export
(Teleborsa) - L'Italia continua a crescere a ritmi modesti, risentendo "del contesto estero e del maggior vincolo creditizio". Lo conferma il Centro studi Confindustria, nella consueta...
Francia, accelera l'economia nel 1°trimestre
(Teleborsa) - L'economia francese aumenta il ritmo di crescita nel 1° trimestre dell'anno, segnando un rialzo dello 0,6% dal +0,3% del trimestre precedente. Il Prodotto Interno Lordo francese,...
Giappone, vendite a picco nel mese di aprile
(Teleborsa) - Sempre più deboli i consumi in Giappone. Secondo quanto reso noto dal Ministero del Commercio Internazionale e dell'Industria (METI), ad aprile le vendite al dettaglio hanno...
Etiopia Nigeria
Ethiopia Celebrates Victory Day, Partnership With Nigeria
[Daily Trust] The Ethiopian Embassy, Abuja, Saturday, celebrated the Silver Jubilee of its Victory Day in commemoration of the downfall of the brutal military Derg Regime on May 28, 1991.
Economía/Empresas.- Cellnex desembarca en Holanda con la compra de 261 torres de telefonía móvil por 109 millones
MADRID, 30 (EUROPA PRESS) Cellnex ha firmado un contrato de compraventa para la adquisición del 100% de las acciones de Protelindo Netherlands, sociedad que gestiona 261 torres de telefonía móvil en Holanda, por un importe de 109 millones de euros, según ha informado este lunes la compañía a ...
USA Giappone
$250 million list price eyed for Manhattan skyscraper’s ‘trophy apartment’
Billionaires’ Row. That’s what New York real estate experts have dubbed a lineup of a half-dozen new superluxury skyscrapers overlooking Central Park that are home to some of the world’s most expensive apartments. One penthouse on the 89th and 90th floors of a skyscraper near Carnegie Hall that went for ...