• Regno Unito

    UK consumers carry on shopping

    High street buoyant but long run of decreases in sales of clothing and shoes continues

  • Cina

    Wanda cuts Chinese sales target

    China’s biggest commercial developer reduces exposure to lower tier cities

  • USA

    Shoemaker Asics allegedly tried to sabotage Windsor Financial

    Asics was slapped with a lawsuit on Wednesday by its former US retail partner. Windsor Financial Group, which had operated 13 Asics stores, sued the sneaker and athletic apparel maker for breach of contract, alleging Asics “intended to and did sabotage Windsor at every turn.” In January, Windsor filed for ...

  • USA

    Millennials are America’s biggest cereal killers

    US millennials are a bunch of cereal killers. General Mills, the maker of Cheerios, reported on Wednesday that US cereal sales fell 2 percent in the most recent fiscal quarter. Overall, sales were down 8 percent in the period — the third straight quarter of lower revenue. The cold shoulder ...

  • Argentina

    Marco Antonio Solís recibirá premio a su trayectoria en Billboard latinos - El Nuevo Diario

    El cantante mexicano Marco Antonio Solís recibirá un galardón especial en reconocimiento a su destacada carrera durante la próxima edición de los Premios Billboard Latinos, conocidos como los "Duetos Billboard", informó hoy la cadena Telemundo. El canal para la audiencia hispana de EE.UU. producirá y transmitirá la gala de entrega de ...

  • USA

    Borsa: Europa peggiora con dati Usa

    Futures in calo, vendite su metalli, greggio, banche ed auto

  • Brasile

    Diversificação atrai diplomatas no Brasil

    O processo de diversificação da economia angolana dominou a reunião que o embaixador no Brasil, Nelson Cosme, manteve na terça-feira, em Brasília, com os seus homólogos sul-americanos acreditados neste país

  • USA

    How much is that doggy?

    INFLATION is a simple concept, but price rises are surprisingly hard to measure. First, statisticians must work out what stuff people buy, and in what proportions (the “basket” of goods). Then they must track the prices of those goods over time. Finally they must decide how to account for new ...

  • USA

    A proper reckoning

    HAD he lived to see it, Alfred Marshall, a 19th-century giant of economics, probably would not have celebrated International Women’s Day, which takes place on March 8th. “If you compete with us, we shan’t marry you,” he once gallantly warned the fairer sex. In his book, Principles of Economics, he ...

  • Pakistan

    Too little freight, too much space

    TO BRITISH holidaymakers flying from East Midlands airport, near the quiet English town of Castle Donington, it seems like any other small airfield. But after dark, when the last passengers have departed, it begins to buzz with activity as Britain’s second-biggest air-cargo hub. Freighter planes arrive throughout the night at ...