On the front line
ON THE face of things, Greece’s four big banks are in their best shape in years. In November they received their third bail-out in as many years. The extra €14.4 billion ($15.9 billion) they got then (some of it from private investors) raised their capital ratios to 18%, well above ...
Cina Regno Unito
For whom the bubble blows
SHANGHAI, China’s financial centre, does not make it easy on outsiders wishing to buy homes. Non-residents who are single are banned from buying property. The married are welcome but only so long as they have paid local taxes for two years and make nearly a third of the purchase in ...
Steel chrysanthemums
THE spectacular leap of almost 20% in the price of iron ore on March 7th reveals a lot about the idiosyncrasies of commodities markets. Coming on the first trading day after the opening of China’s National People’s Congress, at which the government pledged to maintain GDP growth of at least ...
Regno Unito
High tech meets low finance
TECHNOLOGY ought to have revolutionised finance more than any other industry. After all, modern money is mostly an entry on a computer—capable of being transmitted instantly and virtually costlessly around the world. Stockmarket activity is now dominated by high-frequency traders, who make deals faster than they can blink. The finance sector ...
Shops to showrooms
THE Bonobos shop on lower Fifth Avenue, in Manhattan, sits in a row of familiar fashion brands, including J.Crew, Zara and Gap. As at those stores, shoppers at Bonobos can survey racks of clothes, try on this shirt and those trousers, then decide which items to purchase. Unlike in those ...
Jurado declara culpable a chofer del cabezal
El acusado arrolló de manera mortal a niño en el mercado Roberto Huembes en Managua. Fiscalía pide cinco años de cárcel La entrada Jurado declara culpable a chofer del cabezal aparece primero en Periódico Hoy.
Madison International Realty compra 25% do Sierra Portugal Fund
Fundo de investimento da Sonae Sierra, gestora dos principais centros comerciais do país, foi prolongado até 2020
Há cerca de 70 mil carros abatidos a circular
Em Portugal há cerca de 70 mil carros abatidos, mas a circularem nas ruas, cujo certificado de abate só é descoberto quando o veículo é apanhado numa 'operação stop'.
CP está a recrutar 120 funcionários
A CP - Comboios de Portugal está a recrutar 120 maquinistas, operadores de revisão e de venda, depois de ter obtido autorização do Governo para fazer contratações, congeladas no Setor Empresarial do Estado.
Comissão Europeia vai "dar conselhos" a Portugal mas não quer interferir politicamente
As medidas adicionais ao Orçamento de Estado de 2016 não foram discutidas na reunião de Pierre Moscovici com Mário Centeno