The great baby formula rip-off
THIS factory in rural Victoria ships baby formula to China by the tonne and nabbed a $1.5 million taxpayer grant to boost its trade. But all is not as it seems.
Regno Unito
Data company IHS becomes latest to give up U.S. citizenship for lower taxes
Data provider IHS announced a $13 billion merger Monday that will make it the latest U.S. company to move its headquarters overseas where it will face lower taxes.Colorado-based IHS is merging with the smaller London-based Markit in what is known as an “inversion,” in which U.S. companies are bought by or merge ...
Wonkblog: What Republicans did 15 years ago to help create Donald Trump today
The Republican establishment began losing its party to Donald Trump on May 24, 2000, at 5:41 p.m., on the floor of the House of Representatives.Urged on by their presidential standard-bearer, Texas Gov. George W. Bush, and by nearly all of the business lobbyists who represented the core of the party’s ...
Wonkblog: The biggest threat to American workers is slowly starting to go away
It turns out that the end of history was really the end of workers' bargaining power.In other words, it wasn't just capitalism that won when the Berlin Wall came down. It was capital itself. That's what adding a billion new workers to the global economy all at once will do. ...
BPI fora do capital do BFA
O acordo a ser alcançado entre a Santoro Finance e o grupo espanhol La Caixa deve passar pela saída do banco português BPI do capital do Banco de Fomento Angola (BFA)
Operazione "Ghost" della Finanza a Trento
Corsi fantasma, 59 persone denunciate, danno per un milione
La inversión extranjera en España creció un 11% en 2015
Por regiones, la inversión extranjera recibida presenta un alto grado de concentración derivada del efecto sede, esto es, inversiones que se consignan en la región donde las empresas tienen su sede social, principalmente Madrid y Cataluña (noreste).
Il premier australiano minaccia di chiedere le elezioni anticipate.
Il premier australiano minaccia di chiedere le elezioni anticipate. Il paese tornerà alle urne a luglio se il senato non farà approvare i due disegni di legge sul lavoro, ha dichiarato Malcolm Turnbull. Le riforme prevedono l’istituzione di una commissione sull’edilizia e un maggiore controllo sull’attività dei sindacati. I laburisti ...
Brasile Angola Portogallo
Brasil pedirá a Portugal extradición de acusado de corrupción en Petrobras - El Nuevo Diario
Brasil solicitará a Portugal la extradición de uno de los acusados de operar la red de corrupción en la petrolera brasileña Petrobras que estaba prófugo desde el año pasado y fue detenido hoy en el país europeo, informaron fuentes oficiales. Se trata del empresario Raúl Schmidt Felipe Júnior, acusado de intermediar ...
España busca las causas del accidente en que murieron 13 universitarias - El Nuevo Diario
Los investigadores españoles intentaban este lunes establecer las causas de un accidente de autocar en que murieron 13 universitarias, la mayoría de ellas italianas, cuyas familias iban llegando al lugar para identificarlas mientras la región, conmocionada, respetaba dos días de duelo. Las autoridades de Cataluña, región del noreste donde ocurrió la ...