With new law, U.S. challenges slavery by banning forced labor imports
President Barack Obama signed a bill on Wednesday barring the import of goods produced by forced labor from entering the United States, throwing the weight of the U.S. market into the fight against global slavery. Shipments derived from slavery, from fish to electronics and cocoa, will be kept out of ...
One-third of U.S. tech innovators are immigrants: study
More than one-third of America’s technology “innovators” are foreign-born, according to a study released Wednesday that debunks many commonly held beliefs about the sector. Immigrants make up 35.5 percent of U.S. innovators — defined as people who make “meaningful and marketable innovations” to tech-related industries, said the study by the ...
Hacking terrorist’s iPhone bad for America, Cook says; CIA chief begs to differ
Apple chief Tim Cook on Wednesday said that complying with a court order to help the FBI break into an iPhone belonging to one of the San Bernardino shooters would be “bad for America,” and set a legal precedent that would offend many Americans. “Some things are hard, and some ...
Japan got paid $464 million to borrow thanks to negative yields
The government has been paid at least ¥52 billion to borrow money since the yield on its debt first fell below zero at auction in October 2014. While some of the bonds still pay coupons, prices on the securities are so high that the Ministry of Finance sells them for ...
Internet of Things brings innovations to Japanese industry
The Internet of Things, or IoT, which connects devices, vehicles and buildings via the Internet, is increasingly finding its way into Japan’s manufacturing sector. Textile manufacturer Seiren Co. has installed virtual changing rooms in shops such as department stores, mainly in Tokyo. Shoppers can simulate wearing clothes of different sizes ...
Spiagge, la Corte di giustizia Ue verso la bocciatura della proroga sulle concessioni balneari
Per l'avvocato generale della Corte di giustizia Ue la legge con cui l'Italia ha previsto la proroga automatica della durata delle concessioni demaniali marittime per attività turistico-ricettive fino al 2020 è contraria al diritto Ue...
Acuerdo para ayuda social
El apoyo a la mayor cantidad de empresas o emprendedores sociales para el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de unas 6.000 personas en Paraguay, es el objetivo de un acuerdo firmado entre el Fondo Multilateral de Inversiones (Fomin), miembro del Grupo BID, y la empresa social Koga Impact Lab.
Nicaragua Nigeria
Depósitos bancarios siguen en aumento - El Nuevo Diario
Los depósitos totales del Sistema Financiero Nacional al 31 de diciembre de 2015 mostraron un crecimiento interanual del 13.9%, al alcanzar los C$133,636 millones, impulsados principalmente por los depósitos en moneda extranjera y en menor medida por los depósitos en moneda nacional, según el informe Financiero mensual que publica el ...
Brasile El Salvador
Expresidentes salvadoreños en aprietos - El Nuevo Diario
El expresidente salvadoreño Elías Antonio Saca (2004-2009) afrontará un juicio civil “por enriquecimiento ilícito e irregularidades encontradas en la declaración” de su patrimonio, informó ayer a Acan-Efe un portavoz de la Corte Suprema de Justicia. El órgano judicial tomó el martes la decisión “en firme” de abrir proceso ...
Nicaragua Costa Rica
¿Juicio de asesinato múltiple por femicidio? - El Nuevo Diario
De confirmarse que el móvil de la masacre ocurrida en Matapalo, Costa Rica, son celos por parte de Adrián Salmerón Silva, sospechoso de haber cometido el crimen de cinco miembros de una familia, entre ellos tres niños, este sería procesado conforme a la Ley Integral contra la Violencia hacia las ...