• Nigeria

    Local cement production saves Nigeria $2bn annually – Dangote

    Okechukwu Nnodim, Abuja Nigeria is saving about $2bn annually as a result of the local production of cement by different manufacturers, the Dangote Group has stated. It also stated that the upsurge in cement production had helped increase the manufacturing sector’s contribution to Nigeria’s Gross Domestic Product from about four ...

  • Nigeria

    FG proposes jail term for dollar hoarders

    Oyetunji Abioye with agency report The Federal Government has proposed an amendment to the Foreign-Exchange Act to enable the imprisonment of anyone who holds foreign currencies, especially the dollar, for more than 30 days. This is the latest measure the government and the Central Bank of Nigeria are considering to ...

  • Nigeria

    Southwest governors meet today on economy

    Southwest governors will meet today in Ibadan, the Oyo State capital, on the economic development of the region, it was learnt last night. Expected are Governors Akinwunmi Ambode (Lagos), Abiola Ajimobi (Oyo), Rauf Aregbesola (Osun), Olusegun Mimiko (Ondo), Ayodele Fayose (Ekiti) and Ibikunle Amosun (Ogun). They are to discuss how ...

  • Nigeria

    Investors sell shareholdings to cushion recession

    Institutional and individual major investors are selling their shareholdings  to cushion the effects of the  recession and cash crunch The Nation has learnt. Transactional documents on recent major sales showed that many institutional investors are increasingly turning to the stock market to source for funds through secondary shares sale to ...

  • Nigeria

    Tompolo, kinsman trade accusations over pipelines bombings

    Embattled former leader of the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta Chief Government Ekpemupolo has disavowed threats to attack oil facilities in the Niger Delta. Some groups recently vowed to resume attacks on oil facilities, unless the EFCC drops fraud  charges against Tompolo. But Tompolo not only dissociated ...

  • Nigeria

    Mamma Daura, Buhari’s Chief of Staff escapes abduction

    …gunmen abduct ex-minister of state, Hirse Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Bagudu Hirse, was yesterday abducted in Kaduna. According to an eyewitness, the incident happened in front of the residence of Alhaji Mamman Daura on Inuwa Wada Road, Unguwar Rimi  GRA, Kaduna. Our correspondent learnt that, President Muhammadu Buhari’s ...

  • Vietnam Italia Pakistan

    Anti-mondialisation, en Algérie le Brexit et le vote Trump sont déjà au pouvoir

    Une question essentielle se pose : si la mondialisation ne convient plus aux pays qui en sont le cœur nucléaire, alors peut-être est-ce parce qu’elle profite surtout aux pays de la périphérie dont fait partie l’Algérie. L’argumentaire du Brexit et du vote Trump le laissent penser. Ils reprochent à la ...

  • Algeria Italia

    Scepticisme des uns, optimisme des autres

    «Libérer les initiatives ne doit, dorénavant, plus être un vain mot. D’autant que c’est dans un minimum d’actions que peuvent se trouver le maximum des ressources potentielles. Mais à une autre condition : que les feuilles de route ne soient pas définies par la soumission aux contraintes, mais par la ...

  • Algeria

    Lever les contraintes pour favoriser la création de richesses

    Ancrer les mécanismes de gouvernance locale, élargir l’assiette fiscale et garantir l’autonomie fiscale sont, de l’avis des experts, les principales conditions à assurer pour permettre aux communes de jouer un rôle dans le développement économique. Pour Ahmed Bouguermouh, enseignant et spécialiste du développement local, le lancement  d’un véritable Développement local ...

  • Spagna

    Economía/Empresas.- FacePhi firma un contrato para desarrollar el proyecto europeo FACCESS por 1,7 millones

    MADRID, 21 (EUROPA PRESS) FacePhi ha firmado con la Comisión Europea el contrato para el desarrollo y la implantación del proyecto FACCESS por un importe cercado a los 1,7 millones de euros, según ha informado este lunes la compañía al Mercado Alternativo Bursátil (MAB).