• Malta

    'Pro-business' government has 'only given to the people': Muscat

     This government differed from previous administrations, including Labour ones, because it was broadening the social net without antagonising employers, the Prime Minister said today.  Speaking at a party activity in Vittoriosa, Joseph Muscat boasted that "since our first Budget, we've taken nothing away from the people. We have only given." He said ...

  • Malta

    Revealing the unspoken pandemic of suicide

    I remember when suicide statistics in Malta were zero. I am not that old.­ In the Catholic tradition suicide is judged as a sin. As a consequence, the Church never used to allow suicide victims to be buried in the main Catholic cemetery. They had to be buried with the foreigners, ...

  • Brasile Cina India USA Australia

    Increase in global trade the tonic the world economy needs – Reuters poll

    The world economy needs international trade to pick up, according to Reuters polls of hundreds of economists who see no end yet to the aggressive monetary stimulus through which central banks have tried to prop up inflation. In recent months, central banks from India to Britain to Brazil have become more ...

  • Malta

    UNEC Delivers 7 DAF tractor units to Eurocem

    United Equipment Co. Ltd (Unec) has delivered seven DAF tractor units to Eurocem Ltd. Unec is a subsidiary company of Bonnici Group and acts as the authorised representative of the DAF brand in Malta. “This latest delivery of seven tractor units to Eurocem is yet another vote of confidence in the ...

  • Belgio

    Manovra, Padoan attacca Bruxelles: "Se l'Ue la boccia rischia la fine"

    (Teleborsa) - "L'Europa deve scegliere da che parte stare. Può accettare il fatto che il nostro deficit passi dal 2 al 2,3 per cento del Pil per far fronte all'emergenza...

  • Italia

    Europa-Regioni: piano Juncker avanza, risorse a Italia per 3,8 miliardi

    (Teleborsa) - Il Piano Juncker "funziona", in particolare per l'Italia, dove a oggi sono stati attivati un settimo degli investimenti totali previsti. A...

  • USA Nigeria

    Lagos Speaker sponsors bill on death penalty for kidnappers

    The Lagos State government may soon join the growing number of states that have imposed the death penalty on kidnapping and other related crimes in the state. This is sequel to a private member bill before the state House of Assembly which sets to introduce that to aspects of the ...

  • Paraguay

    Paraguayos triunfan en el negocio de la logística en los EEUU

    Ideal Cargo y King Courier Express son dos empresas manejadas por una familia paraguaya que ha sabido desempeñarse con éxito en el rubro logístico, teniendo a Miami, Estados Unidos, como base de sus operaciones. Hace un año, la firma extendió su presencia a Paraguay para responder al auge de las ...

  • USA

    Paying attention to details, makes my craft unique – Raufu

    Aishat Raufu, 24, is the founder of Aeesha Collections. She speaks about her shoemaking business and the expansion plan in this interview with IFE OGUNFUWA Tell us a bit about your background? I am from a family of seven and I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Public Administration. ...

  • Cina Nigeria

    Why China remains Nigeria’s friend

    Zhou Pingjian “Investors from all over the world are falling over themselves to come and do business in Nigeria”, said President Muhammadu Buhari in his recent National Day address to Nigerians. I know this to be true. Since my arrival in Abuja last month as China’s new Ambassador to Nigeria, ...