• Malta

    CBM emphasis on economic research

    The Central Bank of Malta is placing new emphasis on the need for economic research, building on the initiative last year to publish policy notes on particular topics. Senior economist Aaron Grech said the Bank was scaling up its programme whereby its economists meet quarterly with all major non-financial operators to ...

  • Nigeria

    PSN-PACFaH Seeks Increased Health Funding In 2017

    The Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria-Partnership for Advocacy in Child and Family Health (PSN-PACFaH), has called for increased allocation, especially in the capital expenditure component of the health sector in the 2017 budget. This is even as Nigeria is yet to meet the 15 per cent allocation of national budget to ...

  • Paraguay

    Dende urge optimizar gasto y aumentar inversión pública

    Mientras se sigue presentando un escenario en el que el superciclo económico (el boom de los comodities) ya está llegando a su fin, el ámbito internacional y regional es de crecimiento lento, y dentro de esta coyuntura, Paraguay tendrá un PIB entre el 3,4% y el 3,7% este año, con ...

  • Italia

    Manovra, arrivata lettera con rilievi Ue

    ROMA L'attesa lettera della Commissione europea sulla manovra è arrivata ieri sera al ministero dell'Economia. Ad annunciarlo è stato direttamente il ministro del'Economia...

  • Belgio

    36 milliards d'euros, la plus grosse affaire de blanchiment d'argent jamais suspectée en Belgique

    La semaine dernière, le directeur de l'ISI régionale de Gand, dont on connaît la détermination, a remis à la commission d'enquête parlementaire Optima un imposant document. Dans les toutes dernières pages de celui-ci, il frappe un coup spectaculaire.

  • Nigeria

    Biological warfare against Nigerians

    Lekan Sote, lekansote@yahoo.com  08023290735 At a recent press briefing by a collective of health-oriented Non-Government Organisations, under the aegis of Partnership for Advocacy in Child and Family Health, fearful details about the status of the health care delivery system of Nigeria were revealed. One came away from the encounter with ...

  • Nigeria

    Militants blow up export line, crude production threatened

    •Shell resumes exports from Forcados Olalekan Adetayo and Ovie Okpare Militants on Tuesday morning attacked an export line operated by Chevron Nigeria Limited at Escravos in the Warri South West Council Area of Delta State. The attack, which the Niger Delta Avengers, claimed responsibility for, reportedly occurred at about 3:45am. ...

  • Nigeria

    Nigeria and IMF report: Does GDP size matter?

    Uchenna Uwaleke, uchejoe1@yahoo.com According to a recent report by the International Monetary Fund, Nigeria has regained the title of Africa’s biggest economy a few months after the country lost the prime position to South Africa. The IMF’s World Economic Outlook for October projects Nigeria’s Gross Domestic Product at $415.08bn, well ...

  • Nigeria

    Senate proposes law to ban street begging

    Leke Baiyewu, Abuja The Senate has described street begging as a menace that is embarrassing the country. It therefore began a move to enact a law that would make street begging illegal. The lawmaker representing Bauchi-Central Senatorial District, Isah Misau, while moving a motion titled, ‘Menace of Street Begging and ...

  • Nigeria

    FG to float Diaspora bond soon, targets $21bn

    verest Amaefule, Abuja The Federal Government will soon float a Diaspora bond to tap into the resources of Nigerians living abroad as one of the measures to overcome recession, the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Diaspora and Foreign Affairs, Mrs. Abike Dabiri-Erewa, has said. Dabiri-Erewa said this on ...