• Nigeria

    I joined cult to obtain business loan – Stylist

    Adelani Adepegba, Abuja The police in Abuja have arrested 12 suspected members of a cult, Norsemen, who have been allegedly terrorising residents of Apo District, Abuja. Items recovered from the men, who were detained at the Special Anti-Robbery Squad, include a locally-fabricated rifle, three cutlasses and a knife. The suspects ...

  • Nigeria

    Govt begs foreign airlines not to leave Nigeria

    Okechukwu Nnodim and Maureen Ihua-Maduenyi The Federal Government has appealed to foreign airlines operating in Nigeria, which are in the process of downgrading or suspending their operations in the country, to reconsider their decisions. The foreign carriers had on several occasions decried their inability to repatriate earnings to their home ...

  • USA

    Naira weakens to 470 on fresh dollar shortage

    Oyetunji  Abioye The naira tumbled to 470 against the United States dollar on Wednesday, down from 455 on Tuesday as fresh dollar shortage hit the official and parallel foreign exchange markets. The local currency has been relatively stable, hovering around 455 against the greenback in the last one week. This ...

  • Algeria

    Algeria in relatively" comfortable financial situation, despite continued fall in exchange reserves

    ALGIERS- Governor of the Bank of Algeria Mohamed Loukal said Wednesday in Algiers that Algeria’s external financial situation remains "relatively" comfortable, despite the continuous fall in exchange reserves, due to oil prices decrease. During a meeting with the members of the People’s National Assembly (APN) Finance and Budget Committee ...

  • USA

    Algeria wins seven places in World Bank’s business climate ranking

    ALGIERS – Algeria has, for the first time, progressed in the World Bank’s Doing Business 2017 ranking (DB 2017), said Wednesday Minister of Industry and Mining Abdesslam Bouchouareb, in reaction to the ranking published Tuesday in Washington. "For the first time since the launch of Doing Business report by ...

  • Algeria

    Algerian Customs to publish Guide for Exporters in 2017

    BECHAR (Algeria)- A Guide for the Exporter will be published in 2017 by the Algerian Customs, in a view to encouraging and facilitating non-hydrocarbon export, announced Customs’ General Director Kaddour Bentahar. The Guide summarizes and details all the steps of Customs procedures for the exporting of various products and ...

  • Algeria

    Bouchouareb invites Ericsson to contribute to development of new technologies in Algeria

    STOCKHOLM-Minister of Industry and Mines Abdessalem Bouchouareb invited Tuesday in Stockholm the Swedish company Ericsson to contribute to the development of industries in areas of innovation and technologies as part of an Algerian approach meant to diversify economy. "Ericsson is a key partner since it provides genuine solutions and ...

  • Marocco USA Algeria

    Doing Business 2017 : L’Algérie améliore son classement

    Le climat des affaires s’est légèrement amélioré en Algérie, mais reste globalement médiocre en 2016, selon le rapport Doing Business 2017 de la Banque mondiale publié avant-hier à Washington. Crédité d’un score de 47,76 points, l’Algérie a gagné sept places en se hissant au 156e rang mondial. Dans l’édition précédente, le pays occupait ...

  • Kenya

    Kibra youths jeer MP, pelt car with stones over Raila school

    Kibra MP Kenneth Okoth was forced to cut short a speech on Wednesday after angry youths jeered and pelted him with stones. Okoth and Lang’ata MP Joash Olum were at the launch of an ultramodern academic block at the Raila Education Centre in Kibra. Trouble began when the youths questioned ...

  • Kenya

    Business: Kenya to host first Halal expo next month

    The exhibition, the first of its kind in Sub-Saharan Africa, will be held from November 19 at the Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC).