Bolivia Corea del Sud
La Corea del Sud elimina una legge che rendeva illegale ladulterio
La corte costituzionale della Corea del Sud ha annullato una legge del 1953 che rendeva illegale ladulterio nel paese, giudicata incostituzionale. Secondo la legge i colpevoli rischiavano fino a due anni di prigione. Negli ultimi sei anni quasi 5.500 persone sono state formalmente condannate con accuse di adulterio, di cui ...
Spagna: Pil +0,7% in IV trimestre
Su anno +1,4%
Mongolia pardons foreign businessmen
Trio, pardoned for tax evasion, from company formerly controlled by Rio Tinto subsidiary.
Spain's economy grows by 1.4 per cent
Recovery continues after five years of recession or no growth.
Cina India Mongolia Oman Thailandia Indonesia Singapore Vietnam Corea del Sud
S&P raises India's GDP forecasts, says it's a bright spot in Asia
Standard & Poor's sharply raised India's growth forecasts for the next several years to reflect a recent change in how gross domestic product is calculated by the government, and said the economy should be a "bright spot" in Asia.
Panne générale à la gare Lyon-Part-Dieu
La SNCF précise qu'une « panne d'alimentation électrique » paralyse le trafic dans la gare lyonnaise depuis jeudi matin.
Suicide attack on foreign convoy kills Turkish soldier in Kabul
A Taliban suicide attack in Kabul has killed two people, including a Turkish soldier. According to the group's spokesperson, the target was 'an American vehicle passing through the street where the Turkish Embassy in Kabul is located."
GDP Re-basing: What Is New About Poverty And Inequality In Nigeria?
This is what really matters. It is like a weight watcher being shown a new set of scales. It turns out that the previous measurement was all wrong. Now it has been changed, but in the meantime Nigeria should not compare its own weight with that of its neighbors until ...
Corea del Sud
Korea struggles to curb auto insurance fraud
A damaging traffic accident is a devastating experience for anybody, even more so if one has to struggle to prove the ge
Corea del Sud
S. Korea's business sentiment hits 6-month low in Feb.
Corporate sentiment in South Korea hit a six-month low in February as companies remained increasingly worried about unfa