Ethiopia Needs Aid to Tackle Starvation
[East African] With growth rates averaging 10 per cent a year, Ethiopia is challenging Kenya as East Africa's main magnet for foreign investment.
Oman Eyes Joint Ventures in Ethiopia
[Addis Fortune] Ethiopian Chamber of Commerce & Sectoral Associations (ECCSA) in collaboration with Upstream Investment Plc, a local investment firm, organised a business to business meeting for Oman delegates and their counterparts in Ethiopia on December 16, 2015 at Saro-Maria Hotel.
Ethiopia First to Map Soil Fertility
[EA Business] Hawassa -A brand new soil fertility mapping project is underway in Ethiopia. It is the first of its kind in Africa.
Missions from Italy historically meant military overtures with colonialist design. However, the Economic and Trade Promotion mission hosted by the country last week, eyed investment opportunities, typical in the context…
As Ethiopia experiences possibly, the worst drought in the past three decades, the government has revoked and terminated the agricultural investment licenses of two foreign companies and one local company…
Nat’l Insurance Liquidity Level Higher Than Most
National Insurance Company of Ethiopia (NICE) S.C., increased its earnings per share (EPS) to 547 Br in the 2014/15 fiscal year up from 439 Br the previous year; the year…
Research Centre for Gullele Botanic Garden
Gullele Botanic Garden is building a 91 million Br research centre for use mainly by its major partner Addis Abeba University (AAU) and others. However, concerned officials at the University…
Moti, CBM Battle Over Unfair Trade
The Tribunal of the Trade Competition & Consumer Protection Authority is hearing litigations between two major players in the automated teller machines market in Ethiopia, in which a local company…
Nin espera que la medida de Macri inicie una nueva etapa en Mercosur
El canciller Rodolfo Nin Novoa dijo este martes que espera que la eliminación de la Declaración Jurada Anticipada de Importación (DJAI), anunciada por el gobierno del nuevo presidente de Argentina, Mauricio Macri, sea el inicio de una etapa que haga del Mercosur una zona de libre comercio.
Astori espera que Macri flexibilice la postura proteccionista argentina
El ministro de Economía y Finanzas, Danilo Astori, dijo hoy a Efe que espera que la gestión del presidente electo de Argentina, Maurico Macri, dé un impulso importante a la integración de Mercosur y que flexibilice las posturas proteccionistas de su país.