Putin says Russia economy will be cured but offers no remedy
Putin breaks silence on rouble problems this week
Gujarat's World Trade Center ties-up with industry bodies
WTC signs pacts with GCA, GSPMA and GPA to promote SMEs
Venda de computadores cai 25% no 3º trimestre, estima IDC Brasil
Com isso, o país passou a ocupar a 7ª colocação no ranking mundial desses equipamentos
Saiba quais são as melhores PME de Portugal
A revista EXAME comemora a 20.ª edição do especial 1000 PME, que todos os anos distingue a excelência neste universo empresarial em parceria com a Deloitte e a Informa D&B. Conheça a lista das 23 melhores.
Drop in International Oil Prices Helps Brazils Trade Balance
By Lise Alves, Senior Contributing Reporter SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL The recent decline of international petroleum prices to a range between US$ 50-60 per barrel may bring benefits to the Brazilian trade balance, says Central Bank President Alexandre Tombini. Speaking on Wednesday, December 17th at a breakfast event with journalists ...
Bom aluno Portugal tem a economia "doente"
Portugal ocupa o quinto lugar no "ranking" do justamento económico elaborado pelo grupo de pensadores "Lisbon Council", mas encontra-se nas últimas posições em termos de "saúde" da economia, segundo o relatório de 2014, publicado esta quinta-feira.
China shows stabilisation in Q4, but investment sliding business survey
Survey shows economy shifting to services, but consumption still weak
Thailand dominates rice trade amid sale of reserves
Rice exports from Thailand will hit a record level next year as sales from reserves and the end of a price-support programme help the country retain its position as the largest shipper, the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) said.
A economia portuguesa em 2015, segundo os patrões da indústria
Os presidentes da CIP, AEP e AIP concordam que o motor da economia está nas empresas exportadoras.
Belarussian President Demands Russia Trade Be Carried Out in Dollars, Euros
Belarussian President Alexander Lukashenko has demanded that Belarus's transactions with Russia be settled in dollars or euros because of the slump in the value of Russia's ruble.