Japan launches effort to support SMEs
Industry groups urged to allow businesses to pass through costs of falling yen
Indias foreign exchange reserves falls by $1.41 billion
India's foreign exchange reserves fell by $1.41 billion to $314.18 billion for the week ended on Sep 26, Reserve Bank of India data showed.
Festive mood boosts trade by 25% in Gujarat
Business in both organized and unorganized sectors during Navratri in Gujarat is likely to cross Rs 12,500-crore mark this year on the back of high consumer confidence.
Russia May Ban Foreign Ships From Fishing In Its Waters
Fishing vessels built or modernized in foreign shipyards and uncleared by Russian customs authorities may be banned from fishing in Russia's waters, providing a potential boost for the domestic shipbuilding sector.
Judge Dismisses 6-State Suit Over California Egg Law
The lawsuit filed by Missouri and five other states had sought to strike down a California law barring the sale of eggs in the state produced by hens in cramped living conditions.
Expansão de serviços na China tem mínima de 8 meses em setembro, mostra PMI oficial
No plans to halt new Hong Kong-China trade link
Hong Kong regulators say protests won't affect plan to open up China's tightly held capital markets.
Azerbaigian: Della Vedova a Forum Baku, libertà e diritti complemento globalizzazione
Il sottosegretario agli Affari Esteri, Benedetto Della Vedova, è intervenuto oggi, su invito dell'Azerbaigian, ad una tavola rotonda su "Le sfide della globalizzazione tra tradizione e trasformazione" organizzata dall'International ...
Comércio a retalho em Portugal sobe 2,3% em agosto
O comércio a retalho subiu 2,3% em Portugal em agosto face a julho, um dos maiores aumentos entre os Estados-membros, sendo que na zona euro a subida foi de 1,2%, divulgou, esta sexta-feira, o Eurostat.
Borsa: Europa riparte dopo vendite Ue
Acquisti su banche tranne Istituti greci, bene futures Usa