Ferrovial logra uno de los mayores contratos públicos de Portugal por 111 millones
Ferrovial se ha adjudicado el contrato de construcción y posterior explotación durante 25 años de un depósito de residuos en Portugal, uno de los mayores contratos públicos adjudicados por el país vecino en los últimos años, estimado en 111 millones de euros, según informó la compañía.
UAE-Australia trade relations is business as usual
Trade relations between the two countries will continue despite a new government taking over in Canberra
Miami Beach Convention Center losing business after vote
With voters approving tougher rules for developing the Miami Beach Convention Center, one group has already pulled out of an event and two more are wobbling.
Cina India Mongolia Oman Thailandia
Disaster risks help drive Asias insurance industry
Asias vulnerability to natural disasters is helping drive the insurance industry in the region, an international conference in Singapore heard
India likely to become 3rd largest economy by 2030: Report
India is likely to become the third largest economy by 2030 behind China and the USA, a Standard Chartered report said while projecting that the world is in the midst of an economic "super-cycle".
Credit norms tighten up for auto finance in UAE
Now credit history is the vital factor that will determine funding exposures
India Gives Foreign Banks a New Door Into Local Market
The regulations give access, but only through locally incorporated subsidiaries and only from countries that also allow in Indian banks.
Turkish PM protested with one minute remark during speech at Finnish business forum
A woman was forcibly removed from a session of business forum for protesting PM Erdo?an
Brasil pode perder grau de investimento, alerta jornal
O Brasil pode ser o primeiro Bric a perder o grau de investimento. A avaliação consta de texto publicado nesta quarta-feira, 6, pelo jornal britânico ...
Brasil pode ser primeiro Bric a perder grau de investimento, diz FT
Se a economia nacional não crescer rapidamente e a situação fiscal continuar em deterioração, dizem os economistas, o downgrade poderia vir no início ...