Turkish business delegation attends investment summit hosted by Obama
A delegation of 12 Turkish businesses has attended the SelectUSA Investment Summit, the first-ever Summit bringing together 1,200 attendees from nearly 60 countries in Washington
Dubai Investments Q3 profit nearly doubles
Posted a third-quarter profit attributable to equity owners of AED161.1m ($43.9m)
Florida Blue says it didn’t drop members, just insurance plans
As hundreds of thousands of Floridians are moved into new health plans that meet the requirements of the Affordable Care Act, many are experiencing “rate shock.’’
Brasil poderá importar 600 mil toneladas de trigo com alíquota zero até o fim de novembro
Wellton Máximo Repórter da Agência Brasil Brasília – O Brasil poderá importar mais 600 mil toneladas de trigo sem taxação externa. Resolução da Câmara de Comércio Exterior (Camex) publicada hoje (30) no Diário Oficial da União autoriza a cota adicional de 600 mil toneladas do grão sem a alíquota de 10% de ...
Brasil poderá importar 600 mil toneladas de trigo com alíquota zero
Cina India Mongolia Oman Thailandia
L'Oreal sees sales fall slightly as Asia slows
French cosmetics giant L'Oreal says revenue fell slightly in the third quarter, as sales slowed in Asia, a market the company increasingly relies on.
Norwegian Cruise Line announces partnership with New York Knicks
Norwegian Cruise Line, which recently announced a partnership with the Miami Dolphins, said Wednesday is it also the “official cruise line” of the New York Knicks basketball team.
L'Egitto riparte dalle PMI
EGITTO Il Cairo. 30/10/13. Il Ministro dell'Industria e del Commercio dell'Egitto Mounir Fakhry Abdel Nour, ha detto in una intervista televisiva che il prerequisito per il ritorno alla normalità è il ritorno della sicurezza Leggi tutto...
MEED furthers commitment to SME business sector in UAE
MEEDs recognition programme has become highly sought-after in the SME community
UAE retailers enjoy strong Halloween sales
Customers are buying costumes, decorations and candies