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  • US sets new visa rules for 6 mainly Muslim nations, refugees

    The Trump administration on Wednesday set new criteria for visa applicants from six mainly Muslim nations and all refugees that require a "close" family or business tie to the United States. The move came after the Supreme Court partially restored President Donald Trump's executive order that was widely criticized as ...

  • Yemen's cholera outbreak keeps spreading at alarming pace

    Source: UN Children's Fund Country: YemenBy the end of May, over 65,000 suspected cases of cholera and at least 532 deaths have been reported. The situation is overwhelming for what remains of Yemen’s conflict-battered health system. Highlights • By the end of May, over 65,000 suspected cases of cholera and at least 532 ...

  • Trump travel ban partly reinstated; court arguments set for autumn

    The Supreme Court is letting a limited version of President Donald Trump's ban on travel from six mostly Muslim countries take effect, a victory for Trump in the biggest legal controversy of his young presidency.The justices will hear full arguments in the October in the case that has stirred heated emotions across ...

  • Few aid groups able to stay in war zones

    Source: Norwegian Refugee Council, UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Country: WorldA new report reveals that there are too few aid organisations able to manage the risks linked to serve vulnerable communities in the midst of conflict and chaos. Many aid organisations wish to stay and deliver in insecure contexts ...

  • New report reveals significant slowdown in growth of international humanitarian aid despite high need

    Source: Global Humanitarian Assistance programme (Development Initiatives) Country: WorldThe Global Humanitarian Assistance Report 2017 shows that while total international humanitarian assistance increased again in 2016, the pace of growth has slowed. New analysis published today by Development Initiatives shows that while total international humanitarian assistance increased again in 2016, the pace of ...

  • Fifty million people currently bear the brunt of war in cities around the world - ICRC

    Source: International Committee of the Red Cross Country: Iraq, Syrian Arab Republic, World, YemenIn an attempt to shed light on the toll of conflict within cities, ICRC has released a special report which examines the effects on civilians through their first-hand accounts. A report just released by the ICRC estimates that fifty ...

  • Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UAE sever ties to Qatar over "terrorism"

    Updated 11am:  Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain severed their ties with Qatar today, accusing it of supporting terrorism, opening up the worst rift in years among some of the most powerful states in the Arab world. Later today, the Libyan easter-based government also severed diplomatic ties with Qatar. Qatar ...

  • UN raises fears over civilian casualties in latest escalation of Yemen violence

    Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Country: YemenApproximately 70% of the war-wounded are women and children. They bear most of the consequences of the war and the continuing disregard for the protection of civilians, said the UNHC. I am deeply concerned at the continued reports of fighting in Taizz. The ...

  • UN calls for urgent funding to stem cholera outbreak

    Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Yemen Country: YemenIn the last three weeks, authorities have reported over 35,500 suspected cholera cases, a third of whom are children, and 361 associated deaths in 19 of 22 governorates. Sana’a, 24 May 2017 Cholera continues to spread at an ...

  • New World Bank support to address food insecurity in Yemen

    Source: World Bank Country: YemenWorld Bank will finance cash transfers to about 8 million people, to ensure they have the means to purchase food, and provide nutritious supplements to an additional one million of the most vulnerable Yemenis.Ongoing emergency projects to be expanded with US$283 million in additional grants Washington, May 19, ...

  • Exporting Energy - Exemplary Move to Socio-Economic Development

    [Ethiopian Herald] Exporting electricity, for Ethiopia, is surely becoming a profitable business and helps to establish itself as a major power hub in Africa. Since 2014, the country has provide prime attention towards exporting electricity to neighbouring countries such as Djibouti, Kenya and Sudan. It is also establishing grid links ...

  • More than 620,000 people displaced since November 2016 in Somalia

    Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Country: SomaliaThe humanitarian situation continues to deteriorate. Major disease outbreaks are spreading, with nearly 32,000 cases of AWD/Cholera and 5,600 suspected cases of measles since the beginning of 2017. HIGHLIGHTS Over 620,000 people displaced since November 2016 Humanitarian situation continues to worsen Humanitarian partners scaleup response ...

  • While displacement from west Mosul continues, IDPs return to east Mosul at steady rate

    Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees Country: Iraq, Syrian Arab RepublicMain reasons cited for return include lack of livelihood opportunities in camps, insufficient food rations, discomfort in tents due to heat, and a lack of specialized health services. KEY FIGURES 358,410 Iraqis currently internally displaced from Mosul and surrounding areas since military operations ...

  • Conflict prevents two million children from attending school in Yemen

    Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees Country: Somalia, YemenThough public education remains free for local and refugee children, more than 1,600 schools are damaged and unfit for use while others remain close to the frontlines, jeopardizing the safety of students.With over two million children out of school in Yemen as a ...

  • EU announces €116 million for Yemen at pledging conference in Geneva

    Source: European Commission's Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations Country: YemenAlmost 70% of the Yemeni population is in need of assistance. The European support includes €46 million of emergency humanitarian aid and €70 million to support resilience and early recovery in 2017.The European Commission announced today at the ...

  • Donors pledge $1.1 billion to help people in urgent need in Yemen

    Source: Government of Sweden, Government of Switzerland, UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Country: YemenThe pledging event took place today, Tuesday, in Geneva, as close to 19 million Yemeni people – two thirds of the population – are in need of humanitarian assistance and protection. (Geneva, 25 April 2017) International ...

  • Seven million people facing threat of famine in Yemen

    Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Country: YemenTwo thirds of the population are now vulnerable and need support. Humanitarian partners agree that this man-made disaster could reach a point of no-return in 2017. HIGHLIGHTS • Some 48,000 people displaced by conflict on western coast since January • Three million people displaced ...

  • Seven million people facing threat of famine in Yemen

    Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Country: YemenTwo thirds of the population are now vulnerable and need support. Humanitarian partners agree that this man-made disaster could reach a point of no-return in 2017. HIGHLIGHTS • Some 48,000 people displaced by conflict on western coast since January • Three million people displaced ...

  • UNHCR says death risk from starvation in Horn of Africa, Yemen, Nigeria growing, displacement already rising

    Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees Country: Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Somalia, South Sudan, United Republic of Tanzania, YemenThis warning is in light of droughts that are also affecting many neighbouring countries and a funding shortfall so severe that an avoidable humanitarian crisis in the region, possibly worse than that ...

  • Immunization campaign provides polio protection for 5 million children in Yemen

    Source: World Bank, World Health Organization, UN Children's Fund Country: YemenThe campaign, supported by a partnership between the World Bank, UNICEF and WHO, covered all governorates in the country in an effort to keep Yemen polio-free. Support from the World Bank, WHO and UNICEF critical to reach every vulnerable child SANA’A, 8 April ...

  • IOM supports collapsed health care in Sana’a, Yemen

    Source: International Organization for Migration Country: YemenIOM provided public hospitals with water tanks, solar panels, rechargeable batteries, electrical networks, medical supplies and equipment, as well as daily water trucks providing clean water.Yemen - On 27 March 2017, IOM donated approximately three tons of medicine and medical supplies to Al-Thawra General Modern ...

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