Vai alla Scheda Paese »There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Hyundai Motor Group Executive Chair Chung Euisun returned from a two week US trip where he sought for measures to deal with the latest US tax credit bill that has scrapped subsidies for foreign-made electric vehicles. But market insiders say t
Foreign Affairs Minister Nanaia Mahuta is in Papua New Guinea this week to engage with Pacific partners as US President Joe Biden prepares to meet the islands' leaders amid concerns over China's growing influence in the region.
Many states have passed laws cracking down on rogue stunt-driving events in the past year, but drivers have new tactics for evading law enforcement.
Wesley Koolhof heeft met de nodige moeite de derde ronde bereikt van het mannendubbelspel op de US Open. De beste dubbelspeler van Nederland was samen met zijn Britse partner Neal Skupski met 6-3 6-7 (5) 6-4 te sterk voor de Amerikanen Nathaniel Lammons en Jackson Withrow.
Jean-Julien Rojer heeft de derde ronde van de US Open weten te bereiken in het dubbelspel. Samen met Marcelo Arévalo uit El Salvador versloeg hij Aleksandr Nedovjesov uit Kazachstan met diens partner Aisam-Ul-Haq Qureshi uit Pakistan. Dat gebeurde in twee sets, 6-0 6-3. Rojer is met zijn medespeler als derde ...
Thai Medical Glove Co (TMG), a manufacturer of rubber gloves for medical personnel, is forming a joint venture to develop a US$500 million duty-free business in Laos to serve foreign tourists.
Hyundai Motor Co. and its affiliate Kia Corp. said Friday their combined sales in the United States rose 18 percent last month from a year earlier despite the prolonged global chip shortage. Hyundai and Kia sold 130,424 vehicles in the world's m
A queda do preço internacional do ferro e o encarecimento de fertilizantes e petróleo fizeram o superávit da balança comercial encolher em agosto. No mês passado, o país exportou US$ 4,165 bilhões a mais do que importou -- queda de 48% em relação ao registrado em agosto do ano passado. De ...
The Brazilian trade balance registered a US$4.2 billion surplus in August, slightly above financial market estimates. The result is formed by exports (US$30.8 billion) minus imports in foreign trade (US$26.7 billion). The Ministry of Economy released the data on Thursday, September 1. The . . . To read the full ...
The manufacturing industry concentrated 50% of Bolivia's exports abroad until July 2022, surpassing sales of minerals, hydrocarbons, agriculture, livestock, hunting, forestry, and fishing. According to data from the National Statistics Institute (INE), manufacturing industry sales totaled US$4.2 billion, representing 49.7% of the total mobilizations registered . . . To read ...
US-Behörden forderten AMD auf, den Export nach China zu stoppen
A dieci anni dalla campagna Fight for $15, lanciata da un gruppo di dipendenti dei fast food che chiedeva un salario minimo di 15 dollari all’ora, negli Stati Uniti i lavoratori... Leggi
(Teleborsa) - USA e Cina restano ai ferri corti per la questione dell'indipendenza di Taiwan e della supremazia commerciale, militare e tecnologica. L'ultimo atto di una vicenda che assilla da tempo...
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro on Wednesday invited investors from Latin America and around the world to invest in his country’s agricultural sector, assuring that Venezuela offers very favorable conditions for agricultural production. “I invite all investors from Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, and now Colombia to come to Venezuela and farm the ...
A alta da inflação nos últimos meses fez o governo elevar a previsão para o salário mínimo no próximo ano. O projeto da Lei Orçamentária de 2023, enviado hoje (31) ao Congresso, prevê mínimo de R$ 1.302, R$ 8 mais alto que o valor de R$ 1.294 aprovado na Lei ...
As contas públicas fecharam o mês de julho com saldo positivo, resultado, principalmente, do aumento da arrecadação do Tesouro Nacional. O setor público consolidado, formado por União, estados, municípios e empresas estatais, registrou superávit primário de R$ 20,440 bilhões no mês passado, ante déficit primário de R$ 10,283 bilhões em ...
As of July 2022, Bolivia reached a record in exports, the value of which reached US$8.3 billion, the highest figure in the last 30 years, according to Bolivian President Luis Arce. "We are again breaking records in economic matters thanks to our Productive Social Community Economic Model. Up to July ...
Americký New York je považovaný za globální mocenské centrum, které má velký dopad na obchod, finance, média, umění, módu, výzkum, nové technologie či zábavu. Ovšem ještě v 70. letech se v něm také nacházely velmi nebezpečné čtvrtě a nevzhledné ulice plné odpadků či vraků automobilů.
The Phoenix was the only major Israeli insurance company to post a second quarter profit, while Migdal posted the largest loss.
O Brasil e os Estados Unidos refirmaram, em comunicado conjunto, o compromisso em prevenir e em reduzir as barreiras não tarifárias no comércio bilateral. O texto destacou as iniciativas promovidas em sessão de diálogo comercial realizado em Washington em 21 de julho. Embora tenha sido assinado na última sexta-feira (26), o ...
Um dia depois de aproximar-se dos R$ 5, o dólar teve forte alta e voltou a fechar acima de R$ 5,10. O dólar comercial encerrou esta terça-feira (30) vendido a R$ 5,113, com alta de 1,58%, ou seja, de R$ 0,08. A moeda iniciou o dia em baixa, chegando a cair ...