Vai alla Scheda Paese »There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Wages need to increase much more to achieve Japan’s price-stability target, Kuroda said at event in Washington on Wednesday.
Por cuarto año consecutivo Movistar agasajó a clientes y exhibió sus principales novedades digitales para el segmento empresarial, en el marco de America Business Forum: Future is now.
Gli analisti prevedono un rallentamento ma utili ancora in crescita del 2,4%. Jamie Dimon: l'economia americana tuttora «fa bene» ma entro sei o nove mesi sarà recessione
Brazilian President and candidate for re-election, Jair Bolsonaro, said Tuesday that the country, Latin America's leading economy, will see deflation for the third consecutive month in October and an overall improvement in gross domestic product (GDP) growth due to his policies for the business sector. "We have an economy that ...
Chilean trade exchange amounted to US$153.743 billion between January and September of this year, 14 percent more than in the same period of 2021, announced the Directorate of Studies of the Undersecretariat of International Economic Relations (Subrei) today, Tuesday. The study highlights that between January and September of this year, ...
Two provisions that were set to restrict the sale of F-16 fighter jets to Türkiye in the U.S. Senate version of the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) bill have been dropped, sources said on Oct. 11.
The U.S.’s third largest railroad union rejected a deal with employers Monday, renewing the possibility of a strike that could cripple the economy. Both sides will return to the bargaining table before that happens.
South Korean memory chip maker SK hynix revealed on Wednesday that the company has been given a one-year grace period that would allow its Chinese chip plants to continue to import critical chipmaking tools from the United States, without the licensi
Koo Ja-yeol, chair of the Korea International Trade Association, has called for the US to allow at least a three-year delay in implementing a US bill on tax benefits for electric vehicles that is highly disadvantageous for Korean carmakers exporting
O ministro da Economia, Paulo Guedes, participou de cinco encontros no primeiro dia de agenda nas Reuniões Anuais do Fundo Monetário Internacional e do Banco Mundial hoje (11) em Washington, Estados Unidos. Entre ...
China has slammed US decision to tighten export controls making it harder to get and manufacture advanced computing chips, calling it a violation of international economic and trade rules.
Le conseguenze del bombardamento aereo russo su Kiev, l’aumento dei flussi migratori, elezioni anticipate in Malaysia, assegnato il Nobel per l’economia, comincia il processo a Harvey Weinstein a Los Angeles. Leggi
Per il nostro paese attesa una contrazione del Pil dello 0,2%. La Germania segnerà -0,3%. Tagliate anche le stime sul Pil globale. Inflazione vicina al picco, ma resterà alta a lungo
El mandatario uruguayo cerró el America Business Forum y respondió sin inhibiciones sobre su vida personal y profesional
Con la presencia del presidente Luis Lacalle Pou, participarán referentes del mundo de los negocios, altos funcionarios y estrellas del espectáculo y del deporte como Luis Suárez
Três economistas norte-americanos dividem prêmio de US$ 900 mil por trabalhos sobre turbulências financeiras e sistema bancário
Cargill Meats (Thailand), the subsidiary of the US agricultural and food ingredient producer Cargill Group, is ramping up its ready-to-cook products and using Thailand as a production hub to export to the Asean market.
Por séptimo año, America Business Forum presentado por Movistar, reunió a ?CEOs, líderes políticos y emprendedores del mundo en Punta del Este, con la meta de proyectar el futuro económico y cultural del continente.
Em um dia de feriado nos Estados Unidos, o dólar caiu para menos de R$ 5,20, após oscilar ao longo de toda a sessão. A bolsa de valores não resistiu ...
O Banco Central (BC) divulgou hoje (10) as minutas das novas normas sobre o mercado de câmbio e capitais internacionais. Os documentos serão avaliados e deliberados pela diretoria da instituição ...
A previsão do mercado financeiro para o Índice Nacional de Preços ao Consumidor Amplo (IPCA), considerada a inflação oficial do país, caiu de 5,74% para 5,71% para este ano. É ...