Vai alla Scheda Paese »There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Criada sob a justificativa de investigar a cobrança de “juros extorsivos pelas operadoras de cartões” a Comissão Parlamentar de Inquérito (CPI) dos Cartões de Crédito do Senado encerrou os trabalhos pouco antes do recesso parlamentar de julho, com a aprovação do relatório do senador Fernando Bezerra Coelho (MDB-PE). O documento ...
Qingxi Huang tells "Globes" about plans to invest in hundreds of Israeli companies through ICB Biotechnology Investments.
A growing trade conflict and rising interest rates, wages, commodity prices and other costs that are clouding the economic outlook.
The Group of 20 meeting in Buenos Aires didn’t solve the tariff war. The president of the European Commission hopes that a visit to Washington can.
Hodnotu čínskej meny určuje trh a Peking nemá v pláne devalvovať jüan s cieľom podporiť export.USA plánujú preveriť kurz jüanu.
The United States Department of Justice has spent most of its time on Turkey’s request for the extradition of U.S.-based Islamic cleric Fethullah Gülen compared to other extradition requests, a U.S. official has said, underlining increased cooperation between law enforcement officials of the two countries in the past few months.
It seems the US-China trade war is going to affect more people in the two countries than first thought, in addition to the potentially devastating implications for the global economy.
The Stock Exchange of Thailand closed slightly here, while other Southeast Asian markets ended mixed as investors' risk appetite soured on fears of more trade protectionist measures from the United States.
Asian emerging economies, particularly Thailand and others in Southeast Asia, are considered to be in a stronger position financially than their global peers to weather risks from rising US interest rates.
Juncker hopes to ‘de-escalate’ tensions at Washington meeting with Trump
Finance Minister Taro Aso has asked the United States to reconsider its plan to impose additional tariffs on automobile and auto parts imports.Aso made the ...
LEADERSHIP A trade war is now a reality, French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire has warned as G20 ministers gather for a summit in Argentina. The current US trade policy of imposing unilateral tariffs is based on “the law of the jungle”, he said. But US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin defended ...
Le Maire says EU will not negotiate with US ‘with a gun to our head’
O Brasil e vários países manifestaram neste sábado (21) sua preocupação com a guerra comercial entre as grandes potências. Esse foi um dos principais temas do terceiro encontro de ministros da Fazenda e presidentes de Banco Central do G20 – o grupo integrado pelas dezenove maiores economias mundiais e a União Europeia ...
Os ministros da Fazenda e presidentes de Bancos Centrais do G20 (grupo que reúne as 19 maiores economias do mundo e a União Europeia) concluem hoje (22) o terceiro encontro deste ano. A com um comunicado ressaltando a importância do comercio internacional. A reunião ocorre num momento de escalada da guerra ...
Os ministros da Fazenda e os presidentes do Banco Central do G20 (que reúne as 19 maiores economias do mundo e a União Europeia) manifestaram hoje (22) a preocupação com o aumento os “riscos de curto e médio prazo” ao crescimento da economia global – entre eles, as “crescentes vulnerabilidades ...
O secretário do Tesouro norte-americano, Steven Mnuchin, minimizou o impacto da guerra comercial com a China sobre a economia dos Estados Unidos e reafirmou a intenção de seu governo de defender um comércio mundial “livre e justo”, sem tarifas, barreiras tarifárias ou subsídios. Em entrevista coletiva, após dois dias de ...
Enquanto nos EUA o custo de produção de petróleo não convencional é de US$ 6 milhões por poço, na Argentina chega a US$ 13 milhões
Protectionism threatens demand for loans particularly in export-dependent sector
When your partner frustrates you, do not kill just walk away.
South Korea's finance minister has called on his US counterpart to have the Asian country exempt from America's planned