Vai alla Scheda Paese »There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
O crescimento das importações decorrente da recuperação da economia voltou a reduzir o saldo da balança comercial. Segundo dados divulgados há pouco pelo Ministério da Indústria, Comércio Exterior e Serviços (MDIC), o país exportou US$ 3,775 bilhões a mais do que importou no mês passado, queda de 32,5% em relação ...
Suppliers to Google and Hoover among those looking to shift production out of China
European Commission offers talks on hormone-treated meat as trade thaw continues
South Korea's major steelmakers have called on the US government to exclude some of their products from the 70 percent U
BEIJING/SHANGHAI: Inc's billionaire founder was arrested for alleged sexual misconduct during a US business trip, as local police begin an investigation into the chief executive officer of one of China's largest internet corporations.
LEADERSHIP China is still determined to reform and wants to work with all parties to build an open world economy, Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Sunday, reiterating Beijing’s message amid a bitter trade war with Washington. Meeting UN Secretary-General António Guterres in Beijing ahead of a major China-Africa summit, Xi ...
Delek Group wants to sell its stake in Phoenix Insurance in order to comply with the Promotion of Competition and Reduction of Concentration Law.
Washington does not only target U.S. sanctions violators. It can also blacklist foreign companies or people who help others to skirt sanctions
(Teleborsa) - La California ha stabilito una data: entro il 2045 sarà uno Stato completamente a energia rinnovabile, aggiungendosi alle Hawaii, il cui provvedimento è già diventato legge fissando...
OPINION: I have enjoyed reading the commonplace argument against learning te reo MÄori through an appeal to rationality and the sober realism of the marketplace. Some people say there's no plausible economic benefit in learning a dying language, so we should learn the likes of Spanish or Mandarin as a ...
Both Turkey and Russia are reeling from punitive economic measures imposed by Washington.
BUENOS AIRES: Argentina's Economy Minister Nicolas Dujovne heads to Washington on Monday to thrash out a hastily revised loan deal with the International Monetary Fund to help revive South America's second-largest economy.
A Chinese Communist Party journal has said that the country may experience near-term pain from trade friction with the United States, including a negative impact ...
Turkish Foreign Ministry on Sept. 1 condemned the U.S. over its decision to end funding for the UN Palestine refugee agency.
The bill is sure to set up a fight between broadband providers, like Verizon and AT&T, and consumer groups.
Thai trade delegations are scheduled to attend a joint meeting with their Lao counterparts in Vientiane this week, aiming to raise bilateral trade to US$11 billion (360 billion baht) in 2021.
(Teleborsa) - Il Presidente statunitense Donald Trump continua imperterrito nella sua guerra commerciale. Dopo la Cina nel mirino del tycoon l'Unione Europea. In un'intervista a Bloomberg...
(Teleborsa) - Lo scorso 27 agosto un accordo ha mandato "in pensione" il North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), il trattato che dal 1994 regolava i rapporti commerciali tra Stati Uniti, Messico...
Dos R$ 2,15 bilhões ofertados ao mercado, o Banco Central (BC) informou que vendeu R$ 900 milhões em reservas internacionais com compromisso de recomprá-las mais adiante. Os leilões aconteceram no início da tarde hoje (31), com o objetivo de segurar a alta da moeda americana. Dos ...
A equipe econômica reduziu para 2,5% a previsão de crescimento do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) para o próximo ano. A estimativa consta da proposta de Orçamento Geral da União para 2019, encaminhada hoje (31) ao Congresso Nacional. Na Lei de Diretrizes Orçamentárias (LDO), que fixa os parâmetros para o Orçamento do ...
Hotellkomplexet Dragon Gate i Uppland har fått en ny ägare. Det är Sisyfosgruppen som tar över det kinesiska spökhotellet, som stått tomt sedan 2004. De är fortfarande lite osäkra på vad de kommer att göra med det, men tänker sig någon form av eventverksamhet.