Vai alla Scheda Paese »There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
California restaurants will soon stop providing plastic straws unless customers explicitly ask for them under a new law signed on Thursday by the state’s environment-friendly ...
A dispetto delle politiche del Governo centrale americano, la California ha intrapreso un percorso verso l’indipendenza totale dai combustibili fossili, da raggiungersi gradualmente entro il 2045. Ecco come il “The Golden State” si prepara ad avere un ruolo chiave nel futuro della green economy. Se da un lato gli Stati Uniti ...
NEW YORK - La guerra dei dazi tra Cina e Stati Uniti cancella un milione di nuovi posti di lavoro di Alibaba negli Stati Uniti. Jack Ma, l'uomo più ricco della Cina, presidente del...
Alibaba, il colosso dell’e-commerce cinese, non ha più in programma di creare un milione di posti di lavoro negli Stati Uniti, come il suo fondatore Jack Ma aveva annunciato a gennaio...
O consumo de etanol nas bombas dos postos de combustíveis do Estado de São Paulo alcançou, pela primeira vez, neste mês de setembro a mesma proporção da gasolina. Segundo o presidente do Sindicato do Comércio Varejista de Derivados de Petróleo do Estado de São Paulo (Sincopetro), José Alberto Paiva Gouveia, 50% das ...
Europoslankyně Michaela Šojdrová (KDU-ČSL) navrhne na páteční schůzce premiérovi Andreji Babišovi (ANO) plán na přijetí syrských sirotků z řeckých táborů. Výběr dětí by podle něj byl zcela v gesci českého ministerstva vnitra, preferovány by byly nejmladší děti nebo děti bez dohledatelných příbuzných a poskytnuta by jim byla dočasná mezinárodní ochrana, ...
Four charts explain the potential effect of protectionist measures
O chapéu que Donald Trump disseminou pelo país é um ícone da presidência. A ‘Business Insider’ foi visitar a fábrica, onde trabalham dezenas de latinos.
The Alibaba co-founder Jack Ma has walked back a promise to help bring jobs to the U.S., citing trade tensions.
I "Fokus Sápmi" presenteras samisk historia och kultur med avstamp i Kulturens samlingar.
BEIJING: Alibaba founder Jack Ma said his ambitious pledge to create 1 million jobs in the United States had been scuppered by the trade row between Beijing and Washington, Chinese state news reported Thursday.
Japan’s automakers’ association said Thursday it hopes that the North American Free Trade Agreement will maintain its current framework as the United States, Canada and ...
Čína odmieta obvinenia, že využíva svoju menu ako nástroj v obchodnej vojne s USA.
Companies from the EU, Mexico and Japan could reap comparative advantage
South Korea's trade minister Thursday urged local companies to develop high-value-added technologies and seek new growth
Steel products made by South Korea’s SL Tech has been excluded from the US’ steel tariffs, marking the first case of exe
The latest round of US tariff hikes on an additional US$200 billion (6.49 trillion baht) worth of Chinese goods is expected to help Thai exports, offering opportunities to replace the Chinese products in the US market, according to a Commerce Ministry study.
Chairman says promise to Trump ‘cannot be fulfilled’ as China trade tensions escalate
China wants the US to show respect in their trade spat.
US president says China is taking aim at his political support base in the escalating trade war.
Export growth accelerated in August in a sign that escalating trade friction between Washington and Beijing has yet to hit Japanese trade.