Vai alla Scheda Paese »There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Silicon Valley tech group unveils new push amid worries over ‘peak’ iPhone sales
Insurance claims from last month’s California wildfires already are at $9 billion and expected to increase, the state’s insurance commissioner announced Wednesday.About $7 billion in ...
South Korea’s tax agency has launched an investigation into the local branch of US technology giant Google over allegati
Beijing and Washington both hinted that they could make concessions to strike a deal on trade.
The Thai economy in 2019 will slow down from this year, with the US-Sino trade rift a drag, but growth of 4% is still possible, says Finance Minister Apisak Tantivorawong.
VGI Global Media has formed a joint venture with Sinar Mas Group, one of the largest conglomerates in Indonesia, to operate an integrated media platform on the mass transit system, planning to pour some US$30 million (984 million baht) into the new company next year.
Een medewerker van McDonald’s in Texas heeft de benaming van het kindermenu ‘Happy Meal’ naar nieuwe hoogtes getild nadat ze er al dan niet per...
Exportiamo ha avuto il piacere di intervistare Paolo Della Mora, Business Development Director di Venchi USA. Il brand piemontese ha inaugurato poche settimane fa il primo negozio monomarca a Manhattan nella storica Union Square, costruendo un’esperienza unica incentrata sul binomio tradizione-innovazione e sul rapporto diretto con la comunità newyorkese. La storia ...
The United States and China have taken pains this week to emphasize that their trade talks are entirely separate from the U.S. case against a ...
O ministro da Fazenda, Eduardo Guardia, disse hoje (12) que para realizar o megaleilão da reserva excedente do contrato de cessão onerosa do pré-sal, firmado com a Petrobras, é preciso aprovação de lei. O Projeto de Lei 78/18, em tramitação no Congresso, facilita o acordo entre a União e a Petrobras ...
A economia brasileira crescerá 2,7% no próximo ano, de acordo com estimativa da edição especial do Informe Conjuntural – Economia Brasileira, que a Confederação Nacional da Indústria (CNI) divulgou hoje (12). Segundo a CNI, essa expansão será impulsionada pelo crescimento de 3% da indústria e de 6,5% do investimento. O consumo ...
(Teleborsa) - Pechino ha accettato di ridurre dal 40% al 15% le tasse sulla auto Usa. A rivelarlo è il Wall Street Journal che cita passaggi, finora inediti, della telefonata intercorsa ieri tra il...
Southeast Asian stock markets ended higher on Wednesday, as optimism swept across broader Asia after upbeat comments from US President Donald Trump on reaching a trade deal with China allayed trade conflict worries between Washington and Beijing.
WASHINGTON: American farmers have been forced to warehouse a bumper crop of soybeans, or sell at a loss, while a Midwest medical supply company is considering shipping production overseas amid growing uncertainty.
US president would act to secure China trade deal as Meng Wanzhou released on bail
Trade war double whammy as soyabeans go unsold and tariffs push up cost of metal bins
Maggiore attenzione dei consumatori verso un’alimentazione sempre più sana e sostenibile, eterogeneità dell’offerta e packaging accattivanti sono solo alcuni degli elementi che hanno contribuito a portare la pasta Made in Italy su un numero crescente di tavole americane. E nel futuro, si prevede che la domanda continuerà ad aumentare. Nel 1998 ...
Foreign investors turned to net buyers in the South Korean bond market last month amid eased concerns over the US-China
Le Borse brindato ai colloqui fra Stati Uniti e Cina in tema di dazi. Milano è salita dello 0,98%, in scia alle altre Piazze europee. Lo spread ha chiuso a 289 punti, contro i 285...
First sign of trade war thaw but concerns remain over timeline for deal deadline