Vai alla Scheda Paese »There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
(Teleborsa) - A margine della 3 giorni di colloqui sul commercio tra Stati Uniti e Cina, andati in scena nella Capitale cinese tra il 7 ed il 9 gennaio, giungono reazioni positive da parte del...
Trade talks between China and the United States this week were extensive and helped establish a foundation for the resolution of each others’ concerns, China’s ...
The Bank of Japan warned Thursday that risks to the global economy, including heightened trade tensions between the United States and China, are beginning to ...
I passi da compiere per esportare negli Stati Uniti sono molteplici. Studiare il mercato di riferimento, ottenere le certificazioni specifiche, preparare una presentazione aziendale ad hoc, dotarsi di sito internet americano, organizzare schede prodotto in inglese e listino prezzi in dollari. Queste sono solo alcune delle attività indispensabili per vendere ...
La Federal Reserve riconosce che ci sono sempre meno certezze nel cammino della sua politica monetaria al cospetto delle sfide economiche, di mercato e politiche. Che, in questa nuova realtà serve cautela, anzi «pazienza» sui tassi. Una pazienza che potrebbe tradursi ...
Dopo quasi un anno di battaglie combattute a suon di dazi e ritorsioni, sembrano profilarsi all’orizzonte i segnali su un possibile accordo tra Cina e Usa sul fronte commerciale. I negoziati commerciali tra le delegazioni ministeriali di Stati Uniti e Cina allo scopo di ricomporre le differenze tra le due superpotenze ...
Menor excedente exportável e arrefecimento da demanda chinesa tendem a reduzir os embarques depois do recorde de 2018
Wall Street rallied for a fourth session on Wednesday, led by Apple, chipmakers and other trade-sensitive stocks, after signs of progress in trade talks between the United States and China.
Fca sarebbe vicina al patteggiamento sull’accusa, avanzata dal dipartimento di Giustizia Usa, di aver usato software illegali per consentire a oltre 100mila vetture di inquinare sopra le soglie consentite dalla legge. L’annuncio, scrive Reuters, dovrebbe arrivare in settimana ... ...
La Commissione ha annunciato che chiederà ai Ventotto un mandato per negoziare con Washington anche le regole di conformità. Obiettivo: allontanare la possibilità di dazi sulle automobili ...
There are countries and some circles within the U.S. administration trying to dissuade Washington on its decision to withdraw troops from Syria, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu has said.
Analysts warn that complicated questions remain despite desire on both sides to do a deal
Trade conflict between the world's two largest economic powers already is inflicting collateral damage to global economy
US president stops short of calling for a much-touted state of emergency, instead appealing to the need to slash the cost of the illegal drug trade.
US and Chinese negotiators meeting this week in Beijing have agreed to extend trade talks until Wednesday, according to a spokesperson for the office of the US Trade Representative. It’s a fresh sign that discussions are moving in a positive direction as staff for the two sides meet face to ...
Trump tweets that discussions ‘going very well’
Southeast Asia will benefit from the China-US trade spat and people in the region should prepare through education, says Epson, the Japanese printing solutions maker.
An official Chinese newspaper warned Washington not to demand too much from Beijing as talks on ending their tariff war entered a second day Tuesday ...
Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Rivlin deliver eulogies as former three-time defense minister, foreign minister and ambassador to Washington laid to rest
By Jack Arnhold, Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – Samba 360 is a New York-based NGO whose mission is to distribute sporting equipment to disadvantaged children throughout the world. Founded in 2013 by American expatriate Shawn Brown after he handed an old soccer ball to a local Carioca boy, ...
Beijing’s proposed concessions may help both sides, but may not alleviate the tensions fueling its economic conflict with the United States.