Vai alla Scheda Paese »There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
The U.S. economy is taking a larger-than-expected hit from the partial government shutdown, White House estimates showed on Tuesday, as contractors and even the Coast ...
Employment in Texas is expected to slow considerably in 2019 due to falling oil prices, tariffs and trade uncertainties, according to an economist with the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.
La performance sul mercato asiatico sarà una componente essenziale della frenata attesa nell’insieme delle trimestrali...
A basic premise of some of the theories of globalization is the declining power of the nation-states that accompanies or[...]
Det kinesiska fastighetsbolaget Evergrande har köpt 51 procent av aktierna i elbilstillverkaren Nevs av grundaren Kai Johan Jiang, skriver Dagens Industri. Köpeskillingen ligger på motsvarande 8,3 miljarder kronor.
The more aggressive US approach is part of a strategic shift that goes well beyond the trade war
Pompeo’s speech highlights foreign policy parallels the US president prefers to ignore
Product approvals and import licenses among casualties of Washington stand-off
Dopo aver superato in un solo mese il primo obiettivo di finanziamenti pari a 100.000€, EatTiamo, la startup che dal 2016 porta il miglior cibo italiano direttamente sulle tavole delle famiglie americane grazie a soluzioni legate al digital, non intende fermarsi. Il successo della campagna di crowdfunding, che oggi si avvicina ...
Was passiert mit den Kurden, wenn die USA aus Syrien abziehen? US-Präsident Trump spricht eine klare Warnung an die Adresse der Türkei aus – die in Ankara für erhebliche Unruhe sorgen dürfte. Von Can Merey und Christine-Felice Röhrs, dpa US-Präsident Donald Trump hat der Türkei im Falle eines Angriffs auf ...
Trade war with the US has exposed a deeper economic malaise
Centum Investments capital-raising advisory firm Barium Capital has helped San Francisco-based mobile loans company Branch International raise Sh500 million for local on-lending.
The first of the largest United States banks to report earnings for last year’s fourth quarter warned that Fed policy and the trade war between the United States and China were creating new risks.
Måndagens siffror från Kina som visar minskad export och import i december är den första statistiken som tydligt pekar på följderna av handelskriget med USA. Fallet kommer som en överraskning för analytiker och kan leda till att den kinesiska ledningen snabbt lanserar ett större stimulanspaket än tidigare förväntat.
Trade surplus with US hits record as importers step up purchases before tariff deadline
Drop in fixed-income sales and trading earnings take their toll on US bank
BEIJING: China's global trade volume rose last year but its surplus fell again as its imports outpaced its exports, official data released Monday showed amid a bruising trade war with the United States.
Il debito totale della Cina in termini di PIL ha superato da tempo quello USA, anche se è ancora più basso di quello giapponese e dei principali Paesi europei. Si stima che sia il...
Doppio segnale di allarme sull’economia cinese. Pechino ha infatti registrato un forte calo delle esportazioni a dicembre, mentre nel 2018 le vendite di auto sono scese per la prima volta dal 1990. I dati diffusi stamane hanno fatto scendere i mercati ...
At the Canadian Embassy in Tokyo last month, beef promoters flew in a chef from Canada to cook New York strip steaks for hungry Japanese ...
China's trade surplus with the United States widened while the country's imports and exports fell in December due to long-running trade war